Factoriality of a ring of holomorphic functions
Let E be a complex Hausdorff locally convex space such that the strong dual E’ of E is sequentially complete, let F be a closed linear subspace of E and let U be a uniformly open subset of E. We denote by Π: E → E/F the canonical quotient mapping. In §1 we study the factorization of uniformly holomorphic functions through π. In §2 we study F-quotients of uniform type and introduce the concept of envelope of uF-holomorphy of a connected uniformly open subset U of E. The main result states that the...
Nous définissons deux notions nouvelles en géométrie analytique réelle, celle de fonction Nash-analytique et celle de faisceau semi-cohérent. Avec ces notions, nous obtenons des théorèmes de cohérence analogues à ceux du cas complexe (théorème de cohérence d’Oka, théorème de l’image directe, cohérence d’un ensemble analytique complexe).
Let U be an open convex subset of Cn, n belonging to N, such that the set of all polinomies is dense in the space of all holomorphic and complex functions on U, (H(U), t0), where t0 is the open-compact topology.We endow the space HK(U) of all holomorphic functions on U that have asymptotic expansion at the origin with a metric and we study a particular compact subset of HK(U).
On every reduced complex space we construct a family of complexes of soft sheaves ; each of them is a resolution of the constant sheaf and induces the ordinary De Rham complex of differential forms on a dense open analytic subset of . The construction is functorial (in a suitable sense). Moreover each of the above complexes can fully describe the mixed Hodge structure of Deligne on a compact algebraic variety.
Following the study of the arc structure of singularities, initiated by J. Nash, we give criteria for the existence of smooth curves on a surface singularity (S,O) and of smooth branches of its generic hypersurface section. The main applications are the following: the existence of a natural partition of the set of smooth curves on (S,O) into families, a description of each of them by means of chains of infinitely near points and their associated maximal cycle and the existence of smooth curves on...