-cohomology of locally symmetric varieties
We prove an extension theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi type for line bundle sections on a subvariety of general codimension in a normal projective variety. Our method of proof gives conditions to be satisfied for such extension in a general setting, while such conditions are satisfied when the subvariety is given by an appropriate multiplier ideal sheaf.
We give a characterization of -domains of holomorphy with the help of the boundary behavior of the Bergman kernel and geometric properties of the boundary, respectively.
We construct a defining function for a convex domain in Cn that we use to prove that the solution-operator of Henkin-Romanov for the ∂-equation is bounded in L1 and L∞-norms with a weight that reflects not only how near the point is to the boundary of the domain but also how convex the domain is near the point. We refine and localize the weights that Polking uses in [Po] for the same type of domains because they depend only on the Euclidean distance to the boudary and don't take into account the...
Soit une application analytique propre entre des ouverts de , soit un sous-ensemble analytique de et soit . On donne des conditions pour que soit de codimension 1 dans .
Nel caso di una varietà di Banach complessa , si costruisce una regolarizzata della metrica infinitesimale di Kobayashi. Se ne deduce una distanza integrata di Kobayashi e, se è iperbolica, si mostra che questa distanza è uguale alla distanza di Kobayashi.