Continuing 1 -dimensional Analytic Sets.
Let V be an analytic variety in a domain Ω ⊂ ℂⁿ and let K ⊂ ⊂ V be a closed subset. By studying Jensen measures for certain classes of plurisubharmonic functions on V, we prove that the relative extremal function is continuous on V if Ω is hyperconvex and K is regular.
Nous montrons comment un cup-produit non trivial entre deux blocs de Jordan pour une même valeur propre de la monodromie agissant sur la cohomologie de la fibre de Milnor d’un germe de fonction holomorphe provoque des pôles d’ordres élevés pour le prolongement méromorphe de . Pour la valeur propre 1 ceci donne en particulier le phénomène de “contribution sur-effective”.
We endow the module of analytic p-chains with the structure of a second-countable metrizable topological space.
We describe a series of Calabi-Yau manifolds which are cyclic coverings of a Fano 3-fold branched along a smooth divisor. For all the examples we compute the Euler characteristic and the Hodge numbers. All examples have small Picard number .
The main purpose of this paper is to present a natural method of decomposition into special cubes and to demonstrate how it makes it possible to efficiently achieve many well-known fundamental results from quasianalytic geometry as, for instance, Gabrielov's complement theorem, o-minimality or quasianalytic cell decomposition.
We prove that for a finite collection of sets definable in an o-minimal structure there exists a compatible definable stratification such that for any stratum the fibers of its projection onto satisfy the Whitney property with exponent 1.