On a group of holomorphic transformations in
The main result of the paper says that all schematic points of the source of an action of on an algebraic space are schematic on .
It is known that compact complex manifolds of general type and Kobayashi hyperbolic manifolds have finite automorphism groups. We give criteria for finiteness of the automorphism group of a compact complex manifold which allow us to produce large classes of compact complex manifolds with finite automorphism group but which are neither of general type nor Kobayashi hyperbolic.
For a complex solvable Lie group acting holomorphically on a Kähler manifold every closed orbit is isomorphic to a torus and any two such tori are isogenous. We prove a similar result for singular Kähler spaces.
Let be a solvable complex Lie group and a closed complex subgroup of . If the global holomorphic functions of the complex manifold locally separate points on , then is a Stein manifold. Moreover there is a subgroup of finite index in with nilpotent. In special situations (e.g. if is discrete) normalizes and is abelian.
In contrast with the integrable case there exist infinitely many non-integrable homogeneous almost complex manifolds which are strongly pseudoconvex at each boundary point. All such manifolds are equivalent to the Siegel half space endowed with some linear almost complex structure.We prove that there is no relatively compact strongly pseudoconvex representation of these manifolds. Finally we study the upper semi-continuity of the automorphism group of some hyperbolic strongly pseudoconvex almost...
Let Ω be the spectral unit ball of Mₙ(ℂ), that is, the set of n × n matrices with spectral radius less than 1. We are interested in classifying the automorphisms of Ω. We know that it is enough to consider the normalized automorphisms of Ω, that is, the automorphisms F satisfying F(0) = 0 and F'(0) = I, where I is the identity map on Mₙ(ℂ). The known normalized automorphisms are conjugations. Is every normalized automorphism a conjugation? We show that locally, in a neighborhood of a matrix with...
To a pair of a Lie group and an open elliptic convex cone in its Lie algebra one associates a complex semigroup which permits an action of by biholomorphic mappings. In the case where is a vector space is a complex reductive group. In this paper we show that such semigroups are always Stein manifolds, that a biinvariant domain is Stein is and only if it is of the form , with convex, that each holomorphic function on extends to the smallest biinvariant Stein domain containing ,...