Séries de -factorielles, opérateurs aux -différences et confluence
In this paper, we first give several operator identities which extend the results of Chen and Liu, then make use of them to two -series identities obtained by the Euler expansions of and . Several -series identities are obtained involving a -series identity in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook.
We derive several new transformations relating WP-Bailey pairs. We also consider the corresponding transformations relating standard Bailey pairs, and as a consequence, derive some quite general expansions for products of theta functions which can also be expressed as certain types of Lambert series.
G.D. Birkhoff a posé, par analogie avec le cas classique des équations différentielles, le problème de Riemann-Hilbert pour les systèmes “fuchsiens” aux -différences linéaires, à coefficients rationnels. Il l’a résolu dans le cas générique: l’objet classifiant qu’il introduit est constitué de la matrice de connexion et des exposants en et . Nous reprenons sa méthode dans le cas général, mais en traitant symétriquement et et sans recours à des solutions à croissance “sauvage”. Lorsque ...
We investigate the Bergman kernel function for the intersection of two complex ellipsoids We also compute the kernel function for and show deflation type identity between these two domains. Moreover in the case that we express the Bergman kernel in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. The explicit formulas of the Bergman kernel function for these domains enables us to investigate whether the Bergman kernel has zeros or not. This kind of problem is called a Lu Qi-Keng problem.