Distributional and entire solutions of ordinary differential and functional differential equations.
A Volterra model with mutual interference concerning integrated pest management is proposed and analyzed. By using Floquet theorem and small amplitude perturbation method and comparison theorem, we show the existence of a globally asymptotically stable pest-eradication periodic solution. Further, we prove that when the stability of pest-eradication periodic solution is lost, the system is permanent and there exists a locally stable positive periodic solution which arises from the pest-eradication...
A Volterra model with mutual interference concerning integrated pest management is proposed and analyzed. By using Floquet theorem and small amplitude perturbation method and comparison theorem, we show the existence of a globally asymptotically stable pest-eradication periodic solution. Further, we prove that when the stability of pest-eradication periodic solution is lost, the system is permanent and there exists a locally stable positive periodic solution which arises from the pest-eradication...
Dans cet article on cherche à comprendre la dynamique locale d’équations différentielles implicites de la forme , où est un germe de fonction sur (où ou ), au voisinage d’un point singulier. Pour cela on utilise la relation intime entre les systèmes implicites et les champs liouvilliens. La classification par transformation de contact des équations implicites provient de la classification symplectique des champs liouvilliens. On utilise alors toute la théorie des formes normales pour les...