A General Cooperation Theorem for Hypercycles.
Let f be a C1 function defined over Rn and definable in a given o-minimal structure M expanding the real field. We prove here a gradient-like inequality at infinity in a neighborhood of an asymptotic critical value c. When f is C2 we use this inequality to discuss the trivialization by the gradient flow of f in a neighborhood of a regular asymptotic critical level.
In this paper, a modified van der Pol equation is considered as a description of the heart action. This model has a number of interesting properties allowing reconstruction of phenomena observed in physiological experiments as well as in Holter electrocardiographic recordings. Our aim is to study periodic solutions of the modified van der Pol equation and take into consideration the influence of feedback and delay which occur in the normal heart action mode as well as in pathological modes. Usage...
We present an integral comparison theorem which guarantees the global existence of a solution of the generalized Riccati equation on the given interval when it is known that certain majorant Riccati equation has a global solution on .
We give a new proof of multisummability of formal power series solutions of a non linear meromorphic differential equation. We use the recent Malgrange-Ramis definition of multisummability. The first proof of the main result is due to B. Braaksma. Our method of proof is very different: Braaksma used Écalle definition of multisummability and Laplace transform. Starting from a preliminary normal form of the differential equationthe idea of our proof is to interpret a formal power series solution...
In this paper we consider a nonlinear periodic system driven by the vector ordinary -Laplacian and having a nonsmooth locally Lipschitz potential, which is positively homogeneous. Using a variational approach which exploits the homogeneity of the potential, we establish the existence of a nonconstant solution.