Displaying 21 – 40 of 54

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Existence and sharp asymptotic behavior of positive decreasing solutions of a class [4pt] of differential systems with power-type nonlinearities

Jaroslav Jaroš, Kusano Takaŝi (2014)

Archivum Mathematicum

The system of nonlinear differential equations x ' + p 1 ( t ) x α 1 + q 1 ( t ) y β 1 = 0 , y ' + p 2 ( t ) x α 2 + q 2 ( t ) y β 2 = 0 , A is under consideration, where α i and β i are positive constants and p i ( t ) and q i ( t ) are positive continuous functions on [ a , ) . There are three types of different asymptotic behavior at infinity of positive solutions ( x ( t ) , y ( t ) ) of (). The aim of this paper is to establish criteria for the existence of solutions of these three types by means of fixed point techniques. Special emphasis is placed on those solutions with both components decreasing to zero as t , which can be...

Existence and stability of solutions for semilinear Dirichlet problems

Marek Galewski (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We provide existence and stability results for semilinear Dirichlet problems with nonlinearities satisfying some general local growth conditions. We derive a general abstract result which we then apply to prove the existence of solutions, their stability and continuous dependence on parameters for a sixth order ODE with Dirichlet type boundary data.

Existence theorems for nonlinear differential equations having trichotomy in Banach spaces

Adel Mahmoud Gomaa (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give existence theorems for weak and strong solutions with trichotomy of the nonlinear differential equation x ˙ ( t ) = ( t ) x ( t ) + f ( t , x ( t ) ) , t ( P ) where { ( t ) : t } is a family of linear operators from a Banach space E into itself and f : × E E . By L ( E ) we denote the space of linear operators from E into itself. Furthermore, for a < b and d > 0 , we let C ( [ - d , 0 ] , E ) be the Banach space of continuous functions from [ - d , 0 ] into E and f d : [ a , b ] × C ( [ - d , 0 ] , E ) E . Let ^ : [ a , b ] L ( E ) be a strongly measurable and Bochner integrable operator on [ a , b ] and for t [ a , b ] define τ t x ( s ) = x ( t + s ) for each s [ - d , 0 ] . We prove that, under certain conditions,...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 54