Schauder estimates for steady compressible Navier-Stokes equations in bounded domains
We study existence, uniqueness, and smoothing properties of the solutions to a class of linear second order elliptic and parabolic differential equations with unbounded coefficients in . The main results are global Schauder estimates, which hold in spite of the unboundedness of the coefficients.
The Schiffer Problem as originally stated for Euclidean spaces (and later for some symmetric spaces) is the following: Given a bounded connected open set Ω with a regular boundary and such that the complement of its closure is connected, does the existence of a solution to the Overdetermined Neumann Problem (N) imply that Ω is a ball? The same question for the Overdetermined Dirichlet Problem (D). We consider the generalization of the Schiffer problem to an arbitrary Riemannian manifold and also...
We present here a simplified version of results obtained with F. Alouges, M. Dauge, B. Helffer and G. Vial (cf [4, 7, 9]). We analyze the Schrödinger operator with magnetic field in an infinite sector. This study allows to determine accurate approximation of the low-lying eigenpairs of the Schrödinger operator in domains with corners. We complete this analysis with numerical experiments.