Displaying 181 – 200 of 1606

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Asymptotic solutions to Fuchsian equations in several variables

Boris Sternin, Victor Shatalov (1996)

Banach Center Publications

The aim of this paper is to construct asymptotic solutions to multidimensional Fuchsian equations near points of their degeneracy. Such construction is based on the theory of resurgent functions of several complex variables worked out by the authors in [1]. This theory allows us to construct explicit resurgent solutions to Fuchsian equations and also to investigate evolution equations (Cauchy problems) with operators of Fuchsian type in their right-hand parts.

Barenblatt solutions and asymptotic behaviour for a nonlinear fractional heat equation of porous medium type

Juan Luis Vázquez (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We establish the existence, uniqueness and main properties of the fundamental solutions for the fractional porous medium equation introduced in [51]. They are self-similar functions of the form u ( x , t ) = t α f ( | x | t β ) with suitable and β . As a main application of this construction, we prove that the asymptotic behaviour of general solutions is represented by such special solutions. Very singular solutions are also constructed. Among other interesting qualitative properties of the equation we prove an Aleksandrov reflection...

Besov algebras on Lie groups of polynomial growth

Isabelle Gallagher, Yannick Sire (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We prove an algebra property under pointwise multiplication for Besov spaces defined on Lie groups of polynomial growth. When the setting is restricted to H-type groups, this algebra property is generalized to paraproduct estimates.

Blow up for the critical gKdV equation. II: Minimal mass dynamics

Yvan Martel, Frank Merle, Pierre Raphaël (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider the mass critical (gKdV) equation u t + ( u x x + u 5 ) x = 0 for initial data in H 1 . We first prove the existence and uniqueness in the energy space of a minimal mass blow up solution and give a sharp description of the corresponding blow up soliton-like bubble. We then show that this solution is the universal attractor of all solutions near the ground state which have a defocusing behavior. This allows us to sharpen the description of near soliton dynamics obtained in [29].

Blow-up for solutions of hyperbolic PDE and spacetime singularities

Alan D. Rendall (2000)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

An important question in mathematical relativity theory is that of the nature of spacetime singularities. The equations of general relativity, the Einstein equations, are essentially hyperbolic in nature and the study of spacetime singularities is naturally related to blow-up phenomena for nonlinear hyperbolic systems. These connections are explained and recent progress in applying the theory of hyperbolic equations in this field is presented. A direction which has turned out to be fruitful is that...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 1606