On the optimality of velocity averaging lemmas
In the euclidean setting the celebrated Aleksandrov-Busemann-Feller theorem states that convex functions are a.e. twice differentiable. In this paper we prove that a similar result holds in the Heisenberg group, by showing that every continuous –convex function belongs to the class of functions whose second order horizontal distributional derivatives are Radon measures. Together with a recent result by Ambrosio and Magnani, this proves the existence a.e. of second order horizontal derivatives for...
We consider the multidimensional two-phase Stefan problem with a small parameter κ in the Stefan condition, due to which the problem becomes singularly perturbed. We prove unique solvability and a coercive uniform (with respect to κ) estimate of the solution of the Stefan problem for t ≤ T₀, T₀ independent of κ, and the existence and estimate of the solution of the Florin problem (Stefan problem with κ = 0) in Hölder spaces.
We consider the viscous Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard models with an additional term called the nonlinear Willmore regularization. First, we are interested in the well-posedness of these two models. Furthermore, we prove that both models possess a global attractor. In addition, as far as the viscous Allen-Cahn equation is concerned, we construct a robust family of exponential attractors, i.e. attractors which are continuous with respect to the perturbation parameter. Finally, we give some numerical...