Continuity of solutions of the porous media equation
A necessary and sufficient condition for the continuous extendibility of a solution of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation is given.
A necessary and sufficient condition for the continuous extendibility of a solution of the third problem for the Laplace equation is given.
We consider a structural acoustic problem with the flexible wall modeled by a thermoelastic plate, subject to Dirichlet boundary control in the thermal component. We establish sharp regularity results for the traces of the thermal variable on the boundary in case the system is supplemented with clamped mechanical boundary conditions. These regularity estimates are most crucial for validity of the optimal control theory developed by Acquistapace et al. [Adv. Differential Equations, 2005], which ensures...
Let u be a weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in a smooth bounded domain Ω ⊆ ℝ³ and a time interval [0,T), 0 < T ≤ ∞, with initial value u₀, external force f = div F, and viscosity ν > 0. As is well known, global regularity of u for general u₀ and f is an unsolved problem unless we pose additional assumptions on u₀ or on the solution u itself such as Serrin’s condition where 2/s + 3/q = 1. In the present paper we prove several local and global regularity properties by using assumptions...
Some results on cross-diffusion systems with entropy structure are reviewed. The focus is on local-in-time existence results for general systems with normally elliptic diffusion operators, due to Amann, and global-in-time existence theorems by Lepoutre, Moussa, and co-workers for cross-diffusion systems with an additional Laplace structure. The boundedness-by-entropy method allows for global bounded weak solutions to certain diffusion systems. Furthermore, a partial result on the uniqueness of weak...
We consider generalized solutions to the Dirichlet problem for linear elliptic second order equations in a domain bounded by a Dini-Lyapunov surface and containing a conical point. For such solutions we derive Dini estimates for the first order generalized derivatives.
We establish local-in-time smoothing of a simple model nonlinear parabolic PDE in a scale of weighted Bergman spaces on a strip provided the weights are not too singular. This constitutes a very strong smoothing property since an immediate consequence is that the PDE can "push away" an algebraic-type complex singularity provided that the order of the singularity is small enough.