Displaying 261 – 280 of 486

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On solutions of a perturbed fast diffusion equation

Ján Filo (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper concerns the (local and global) existence, nonexistence, uniqueness and some properties of nonnegative solutions of a nonlinear density dependent diffusion equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.

On the eigenfunction expansion method for semilinear dissipative equations in bounded domains and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in a ball

V. V. Varlamov (2001)

Studia Mathematica

Presented herein is a method of constructing solutions of semilinear dissipative evolution equations in bounded domains. For small initial data this approach permits one to represent the solution in the form of an eigenfunction expansion series and to calculate the higher-order long-time asymptotics. It is applied to the spatially 3D Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in the unit ball B in the linearly stable case. A global-in-time mild solution is constructed in the space C ( [ 0 , ) , H s ( B ) ) , s < 2, and the uniqueness...

On the oscillation of some impulsive parabolic equations with several delays

R. Atmania, S. Mazouzi (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, several oscillation criteria are established for some nonlinear impulsive functional parabolic equations with several delays subject to boundary conditions. We shall mainly use the divergence theorem and some corresponding impulsive delayed differential inequalities.

On the solution of the heat equation with nonlinear unbounded memory

Alexander Doktor (1985)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the question of global solution u , τ to boundary value problem for the system of semilinear heat equation for u and complementary nonlinear differential equation for τ (“thermal memory”). Uniqueness of the solution is shown and the method of successive approximations is used for the proof of existence of a global solution provided the condition ( 𝒫 ) holds. The condition ( 𝒫 ) is verified for some particular cases (e. g.: bounded nonlinearity, homogeneous Neumann problem (even for unbounded...

On the Stefan problem with energy specification

Pierluigi Colli (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Vengono trattati due problemi di Stefan con la specificazione dell'energia. Dapprima si fornisce una formulazione debole di un problema unidimensionale ad una fase studiato in [4]: si dimostra un risultato di esistenza. In seguito si considera un problema di Stefan pluridimensionale e multifase in cui viene assegnata l'energia totale del sistema ad ogni istante; si mostra l’esistenza e l’unicità della soluzione per due formulazioni provando inoltre l’equivalenza fra queste.

On the volume of intersection of three independent Wiener sausages

M. van den Berg (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let K be a compact, non-polar set in ℝm, m≥3 and let SKi(t)={Bi(s)+y: 0≤s≤t, y∈K} be Wiener sausages associated to independent brownian motions Bi, i=1, 2, 3 starting at 0. The expectation of volume of ⋂i=13SKi(t) with respect to product measure is obtained in terms of the equilibrium measure of K in the limit of large t.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 486