Approximations of effective coefficients in stochastic homogenization
In the present paper, using a Picard type method of approximation, we investigate the global existence of mild solutions for a class of Ito type stochastic differential equations whose coefficients satisfy conditions more general than the Lipschitz and linear growth ones.
Questo lavoro costituisce un survey sui problemi di limite asintotico per le soluzioni delle equazioni di Ginzburg-Landau in dimensione due. Vengono presentati essenzialmente i risultati di [BBH] e [BR] sulla formazione ed il comportamento asintotico dei vortici in un dominio bidimensionale nel caso fortemente repulsivo (large limit).
In questa nota dimostriamo stime asintotiche ottimali per le soluzioni deboli non negative del problema al contorno
This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of the finite difference solutions of a class of nonlinear reaction diffusion equations with time delay. By introducing a pair of coupled upper and lower solutions, an existence result of the solution is given and an attractor of the solution is obtained without monotonicity assumptions on the nonlinear reaction function. This attractor is a sector between two coupled quasi-solutions of the corresponding “steady-state” problem, which are obtained...
This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of the finite difference solutions of a class of nonlinear reaction diffusion equations with time delay. By introducing a pair of coupled upper and lower solutions, an existence result of the solution is given and an attractor of the solution is obtained without monotonicity assumptions on the nonlinear reaction function. This attractor is a sector between two coupled quasi-solutions of the corresponding “steady-state" problem, which are...
We prove uniqueness of the invariant measure and the exponential convergence to equilibrium for a stochastic dissipative system whose drift is perturbed by a bounded function.
We prove uniqueness of the invariant measure and the exponential convergence to equilibrium for a stochastic dissipative system whose drift is perturbed by a bounded function.
We consider solutions to the time-harmonic Maxwell's Equations of a TE (transverse electric) nature. For such solutions we provide a rigorous derivation of the leading order boundary perturbations resulting from the presence of a finite number of interior inhomogeneities of small diameter. We expect that these formulas will form the basis for very effective computational identification algorithms, aimed at determining information about the inhomogeneities from electromagnetic boundary measurements. ...