Displaying 41 – 60 of 140

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Lelek fan from a projective Fraïssé limit

Dana Bartošová, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that a natural quotient of the projective Fraïssé limit of a family that consists of finite rooted trees is the Lelek fan. Using this construction, we study properties of the Lelek fan and of its homeomorphism group. We show that the Lelek fan is projectively universal and projectively ultrahomogeneous in the class of smooth fans. We further show that the homeomorphism group of the Lelek fan is totally disconnected, generated by every neighbourhood of the identity, has a dense conjugacy...

Lemme de l'ombre et non divergence des horosphères d'une variété géométriquement finie

Barbara Schapira (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Dans cet article, nous établissons dans un premier temps un lemme de l'ombre dans le cas des variétés géométriquement finies à courbure négative variable. Ce théorème donne des estimées très précises de la décroissance de la mesure de Patterson des ombres, sur le bord à l'infini de telles variétés. Nous en déduisons un résultat de non divergence des horosphères. Plus précisément, nous considérons certaines moyennes naturelles sur de grandes boules horosphériques, dont nous...

Lemme de Moser feuilleté et clasifications des variétés de Poisson régulières.

G. Héctor, E. Macías, M. Saralegui (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Regular Poisson structures with fixed characteristic foliation F are described by means of foliated symplectic forms. Associated to each of these structures, there is a class in the second group of foliated cohomology H2(F). Using a foliated version of Moser's lemma, we study the isotopy classes of these structures in relation with their cohomology class. Explicit examples, with dim F = 2, are described.

Length minimizing Hamiltonian paths for symplectically aspherical manifolds

Ely Kerman, François Lalonde (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this note we consider the length minimizing properties of Hamiltonian paths generated by quasi-autonomous Hamiltonians on symplectically aspherical manifolds. Motivated by the work of Polterovich and Schwarz, we study the role, in the Floer complex of the generating Hamiltonian, of the global extrema which remain fixed as the time varies. Our main result determines a natural condition which implies that the corresponding path minimizes the positive Hofer length. We use this to prove that a quasi-autonomous Hamiltonian...

Levi-flat invariant sets of holomorphic symplectic mappings

Xianghong Gong (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We classify four families of Levi-flat sets which are defined by quadratic polynomials and invariant under certain linear holomorphic symplectic maps. The normalization of Levi- flat real analytic sets is studied through the technique of Segre varieties. The main purpose of this paper is to apply the Levi-flat sets to the study of convergence of Birkhoff's normalization for holomorphic symplectic maps. We also establish some relationships between Levi-flat invariant sets...

Lie algebra structure in the model of 3-link snake robot

Martin Doležal (2024)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we study a 5 dimensional configuration space of a 3-link snake robot model moving in a plane. We will derive two vector fields generating a distribution which represents a space of the robot’s allowable movement directions. An arbitrary choice of such generators generates the entire tangent space of the configuration space, i.e. the distribution is bracket-generating, but our choice additionally generates a finite dimensional Lie algebra over real numbers. This allows us to extend...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 140