A class of generalized Ornstein transformations with the weak mixing property
The main result of this paper is a quantified version of Ingham's Tauberian theorem for bounded vector-valued sequences rather than functions. It gives an estimate on the rate of decay of such a sequence in terms of the behaviour of a certain boundary function, with the quality of the estimate depending on the degree of smoothness this boundary function is assumed to possess. The result is then used to give a new proof of the quantified Katznelson-Tzafriri theorem recently obtained by the author...
For a sequence of dependent random variables we consider a large class of summability methods defined by R. Jajte in [jaj] as follows: For a pair of real-valued nonnegative functions g,h: ℝ⁺ → ℝ⁺ we define a sequence of “weighted averages” , where g and h satisfy some mild conditions. We investigate the almost sure behavior of such transformations. We also take a close look at the connection between the method of summation (that is the pair of functions (g,h)) and the coefficients that measure...
We give an example of a dynamical system which is mixing relative to one of its factors, but for which relative mixing of order three does not hold.