The cyclic spectrum of a Boolean flow.
Consider a graph directed iterated function system (GIFS) on the line which consists of similarities. Assuming neither any separation conditions, nor any restrictions on the contractions, we compute the almost sure dimension of the attractor. Then we apply our result to give a partial answer to an open problem in the field of fractal image recognition concerning some self-affine graph directed attractors in space.
We prove that every diffeomorphism away from homoclinic tangencies is entropy expansive, with locally uniform expansivity constant. Consequently, such diffeomorphisms satisfy Shub’s entropy conjecture: the entropy is bounded from below by the spectral radius in homology. Moreover, they admit principal symbolic extensions, and the topological entropy and metrical entropy vary continuously with the map. In contrast, generic diffeomorphisms with persistent tangencies are not entropy expansive.
We propose the title of The Fundamental Theorem of Dynamical Systems for a theorem of Charles Conley concerning the decomposition of spaces on which dynamical systems are defined. First, we briefly set the context and state the theorem. After some definitions and preliminary results, based both on Conley's work and modifications to it, we present a sketch of a proof of the result in the setting of the iteration of continuous functions on compact metric spaces. Finally, we claim that this theorem...
In a recent paper of Feng and Sidorov they show that for β ∈ (1,(1+√5)/2) the set of β-expansions grows exponentially for every x ∈ (0,1/(β-1)). In this paper we study this growth rate further. We also consider the set of β-expansions from a dimension theory perspective.
The aim of this paper is to study the long-term behavior of a class of self-interacting diffusion processes on ℝd. These are solutions to SDEs with a drift term depending on the actual position of the process and its normalized occupation measure μt. These processes have so far been studied on compact spaces by Benaïm, Ledoux and Raimond, using stochastic approximation methods. We extend these methods to ℝd, assuming a confinement potential satisfying some conditions. These hypotheses on the confinement...
In this paper, we discuss the properties of limit sets of subsets and attractors in a compact metric space. It is shown that the -limit set of is the limit point of the sequence in and also a quasi-attractor is the limit point of attractors with respect to the Hausdorff metric. It is shown that if a component of an attractor is not an attractor, then it must be a real quasi-attractor.
Foliations on the 2-sphere with a finite number of non-orientable singularities are considered. For this class a Poincaré-Bendixson theorem is established. In particular, the work gives an answer to a problem of H. Rosenberg concerning labyrinths.
We investigate a weighted version of Hausdorff dimension introduced by V. Afraimovich, where the weights are determined by recurrence times. We do this for an ergodic invariant measure with positive entropy of a piecewise monotonic transformation on the interval , giving first a local result and proving then a formula for the dimension of the measure in terms of entropy and characteristic exponent. This is later used to give a relation between the dimension of a closed invariant subset and a pressure...