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Commutativity and non-commutativity of topological sequence entropy

Francisco Balibrea, Jose Salvador Cánovas Peña, Víctor Jiménez López (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper we study the commutativity property for topological sequence entropy. We prove that if X is a compact metric space and f , g : X X are continuous maps then h A ( f g ) = h A ( g f ) for every increasing sequence A if X = [ 0 , 1 ] , and construct a counterexample for the general case. In the interim, we also show that the equality h A ( f ) = h A ( f | n 0 f n ( X ) ) is true if X = [ 0 , 1 ] but does not necessarily hold if X is an arbitrary compact metric space.

Computing explicitly topological sequence entropy: the unimodal case

Victor Jiménez López, Jose Salvador Cánovas Peña (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let W ( I ) denote the family of continuous maps f from an interval I = [ a , b ] into itself such that (1) f ( a ) = f ( b ) { a , b } ; (2) they consist of two monotone pieces; and (3) they have periodic points of periods exactly all powers of 2 . The main aim of this paper is to compute explicitly the topological sequence entropy h D ( f ) of any map f W ( I ) respect to the sequence D = ( 2 m - 1 ) m = 1 .

Continuum many tent map inverse limits with homeomorphic postcritical ω-limit sets

Chris Good, Brian E. Raines (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We demonstrate that the set of topologically distinct inverse limit spaces of tent maps with a Cantor set for its postcritical ω-limit set has cardinality of the continuum. The set of folding points (i.e. points at which the space is not homeomorphic to the product of a zero-dimensional set and an arc) of each of these spaces is also a Cantor set.

Dimension of weakly expanding points for quadratic maps

Samuel Senti (2003)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

For the real quadratic map P a ( x ) = x 2 + a and a given ϵ > 0 a point x has good expansion properties if any interval containing x also contains a neighborhood  J of x with P a n | J univalent, with bounded distortion and B ( 0 , ϵ ) P a n ( J ) for some n . The ϵ -weakly expanding set is the set of points which do not have good expansion properties. Let α denote the negative fixed point and M the first return time of the critical orbit to [ α , - α ] . We show there is a set of parameters with positive Lebesgue measure for which the Hausdorff dimension of...

Distortion bounds for C 2 + η unimodal maps

Mike Todd (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We obtain estimates for derivative and cross-ratio distortion for C 2 + η (any η > 0) unimodal maps with non-flat critical points. We do not require any “Schwarzian-like” condition. For two intervals J ⊂ T, the cross-ratio is defined as the value B(T,J): = (|T| |J|)/(|L| |R|) where L,R are the left and right connected components of T∖J respectively. For an interval map g such that g T : T is a diffeomorphism, we consider the cross-ratio distortion to be B(g,T,J): = B(g(T),g(J))/B(T,J). We prove that for...

Dynamique des échanges d’intervalles des groupes de Higman-Thompson V r , m

Hadda Hmili, Isabelle Liousse (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Dans cet article, nous étudions la dynamique des échanges d’intervalles affines dont les pentes sont des puissances d’un même entier m et dont les coupures et leurs images sont des rationnels. Nous montrons qu’une telle application a une dynamique très simple  : toutes ses orbites sont propres et elle possède au moins une orbite périodique ou un cycle périodique. Comme corollaire de ce résultat, nous montrons que les éléments de distortion dans les groupes de Higman-Thompson V r , m sont ceux d’ordre...

Embedding tiling spaces in surfaces

Charles Holton, Brian F. Martensen (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that an aperiodic minimal tiling space with only finitely many asymptotic composants embeds in a surface if and only if it is the suspension of a symbolic interval exchange transformation (possibly with reversals). We give two necessary conditions for an aperiodic primitive substitution tiling space to embed in a surface. In the case of substitutions on two symbols our classification is nearly complete. The results characterize the codimension one hyperbolic attractors of surface diffeomorphisms...

Equilibrium states for interval maps: the potential - t log | D f |

Henk Bruin, Mike Todd (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let f : I I be a C 2 multimodal interval map satisfying polynomial growth of the derivatives along critical orbits. We prove the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for the potential φ t : x - t log | D f ( x ) | for t close to 1 , and also that the pressure function t P ( φ t ) is analytic on an appropriate interval near t = 1 .

Error rates in the Darling-Kac law

Dalia Terhesiu (2014)

Studia Mathematica

This work provides rates of convergence in the Darling-Kac law for infinite measure preserving Pomeau-Manneville (unit interval) maps. Along the way we obtain error rates for the stable law associated with the first return map and the first return time to some suitable set inside the unit interval.

Étude d’une transformation non uniformément hyperbolique de l’intervalle [ 0 , 1 [

Albert Raugi (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Nous étudions un exemple de transformation non uniformément hyperbolique de l’intervalle [ 0 , 1 [ . Des exemples analogues ont été étudiés par de nombreux auteurs. Notre méthode utilise une théorie spectrale, pour une classe d’opérateurs vérifiant des conditions faibles de Doeblin-Fortet, introduite dans [1]. Elle nous permet, en particulier, de donner une estimation de la vitesse de décroissance des corrélations pour des fonctions non höldériennes.

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