Displaying 381 – 400 of 912

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Lemme de Moser feuilleté et clasifications des variétés de Poisson régulières.

G. Héctor, E. Macías, M. Saralegui (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Regular Poisson structures with fixed characteristic foliation F are described by means of foliated symplectic forms. Associated to each of these structures, there is a class in the second group of foliated cohomology H2(F). Using a foliated version of Moser's lemma, we study the isotopy classes of these structures in relation with their cohomology class. Explicit examples, with dim F = 2, are described.

Length minimizing Hamiltonian paths for symplectically aspherical manifolds

Ely Kerman, François Lalonde (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this note we consider the length minimizing properties of Hamiltonian paths generated by quasi-autonomous Hamiltonians on symplectically aspherical manifolds. Motivated by the work of Polterovich and Schwarz, we study the role, in the Floer complex of the generating Hamiltonian, of the global extrema which remain fixed as the time varies. Our main result determines a natural condition which implies that the corresponding path minimizes the positive Hofer length. We use this to prove that a quasi-autonomous Hamiltonian...

Lie algebra structure in the model of 3-link snake robot

Martin Doležal (2024)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we study a 5 dimensional configuration space of a 3-link snake robot model moving in a plane. We will derive two vector fields generating a distribution which represents a space of the robot’s allowable movement directions. An arbitrary choice of such generators generates the entire tangent space of the configuration space, i.e. the distribution is bracket-generating, but our choice additionally generates a finite dimensional Lie algebra over real numbers. This allows us to extend...

Linear programming interpretations of Mather’s variational principle

L. C. Evans, D. Gomes (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We discuss some implications of linear programming for Mather theory [13, 14, 15] and its finite dimensional approximations. We find that the complementary slackness condition of duality theory formally implies that the Mather set lies in an n -dimensional graph and as well predicts the relevant nonlinear PDE for the “weak KAM” theory of Fathi [6, 7, 8, 5].

Linear programming interpretations of Mather's variational principle

L. C. Evans, D. Gomes (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We discuss some implications of linear programming for Mather theory [13-15] and its finite dimensional approximations. We find that the complementary slackness condition of duality theory formally implies that the Mather set lies in an n-dimensional graph and as well predicts the relevant nonlinear PDE for the “weak KAM” theory of Fathi [5-8].

Linearization of Poisson actions and singular values of matrix products

Anton Alekseev, Eckhard Meinrenken, Chris Woodward (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove that the linearization functor from the category of Hamiltonian K -actions with group-valued moment maps in the sense of Lu, to the category of ordinary Hamiltonian K - actions, preserves products up to symplectic isomorphism. As an application, we give a new proof of the Thompson conjecture on singular values of matrix products and extend this result to the case of real matrices. We give a formula for the Liouville volume of these spaces and obtain from it a hyperbolic version of the Duflo...

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 912