Variational and penalization methods for studying connecting orbits of Hamiltonian systems.
In this paper we study variational principles for a general situation which includes free boundary problems with surface tension. Following [2], our main result concerns a variational principle in a infinite dimensional principal bundle of embeddings of a compact region D in a manifold M having the same dimension as D. By considering arbitrary variations, free boundary problems are included, while variations parallel to the boundary permit to consider fluid motion or flow of Hamiltonian vector fields...
We consider autonomous Lagrangian systems possessing two homoclinic orbits to an hyperbolic equilibrium of saddle-saddle type with two different characteristic exponents. Under a nondegeneracy assumption on the homoclinics and under suitable conditions on the geometric behaviour of these homoclinics near the equilibrium we show, by variational methods, that they give rise to an infinite family of multibump homoclinic solutions. We relax the nondegeneracy assumption when the two characteristic exponents...
On montre que l’ensemble des matrices tridiagonales périodiques symétriques de spectre fixé possède une direction tangente privilégiée, construite à l’aide des vecteurs propres des matrices et de la jacobienne d’une courbe hyperelliptique. Il se trouve que cette direction est celle du célèbre flot de Toda périodique.
The main objective of this paper is to prove new necessary conditions to the existence of KAM tori. To do so, we develop a set of explicit a-priori estimates for smooth solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, using a combination of methods from viscosity solutions, KAM and Aubry-Mather theories. These estimates are valid in any space dimension, and can be checked numerically to detect gaps between KAM tori and Aubry-Mather sets. We apply these results to detect non-integrable regions in several...