Criteria of strong type two-weighted inequalities for fractional maximal functions.
Let be a decomposition system for indexed over D, the set of dyadic cubes in , and a finite set E, and let be the corresponding dual functionals. That is, for every , . We study sufficient conditions on Θ,Θ̃ so that they constitute a decomposition system for Triebel-Lizorkin and Besov spaces. Moreover, these conditions allow us to characterize the membership of a distribution f in these spaces by the size of the coefficients , e ∈ E, I ∈ D. Typical examples of such decomposition systems...
We present a survey of mixed norm inequalities for several directional operators, namely, directional Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions and Hilbert transforms (both appearing in the method of rotations of Calderón and Zygmund), X-ray transforms, and directional fractional operators related to Riesz type potentials with variable kernel. In dimensions higher than two several interesting questions remain unanswered.[Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential...
We study various characterizations of the Hardy spaces via the discrete Hilbert transform and via maximal and square functions. Finally, we present the equivalence with the classical atomic characterization of given by Coifman and Weiss in [CW]. Our proofs are based on some results concerning functions of exponential type.
There are given necessary and sufficient conditions on a measure dμ(x)=w(x)dx under which the key estimates for the distribution and rearrangement of the maximal function due to Riesz, Wiener, Herz and Stein are valid. As a consequence, we obtain the equivalence of the Riesz and Wiener inequalities which seems to be new even for the Lebesgue measure. Our main tools are estimates of the distribution of the averaging function f** and a modified version of the Calderón-Zygmund decomposition. Analogous...
We prove good- inequalities for the area integral, the nontangential maximal function, and the maximal density of the area integral. This answers a question raised by R. F. Gundy. We also prove a Kesten type law of the iterated logarithm for harmonic functions. Our Theorems 1 and 2 are for Lipschitz domains. However, all our results are new even in the case of .
We costruct functions in () whose Fourier integral expansions are almost everywhere non-summable with respect to the Bochner-Riesz means of the critical order.
Let and let be pseudo-differential operators with symbols , where , and . Let , be weights in Muckenhoupt classes , for some . We establish a two-weight inequality for commutators generated by pseudo-differential operators with weighted BMO functions , namely, the commutator is bounded from into . Furthermore, the range of can be extended to the whole .
For an Orlicz function φ and a decreasing weight w, two intrinsic exact descriptions are presented for the norm in the Köthe dual of the Orlicz-Lorentz function space or the sequence space , equipped with either the Luxemburg or Amemiya norms. The first description is via the modular , where f* is the decreasing rearrangement of f, ≺ denotes submajorization, and φ⁎ is the complementary function to φ. The second description is in terms of the modular ,where (f*)⁰ is Halperin’s level function...
We determine the duals of the homogeneous matrix-weighted Besov spaces and which were previously defined in [5]. If W is a matrix weight, then the dual of can be identified with and, similarly, . Moreover, for certain W which may not be in the class, the duals of and are determined and expressed in terms of the Besov spaces and , which we define in terms of reducing operators associated with W. We also develop the basic theory of these reducing operator Besov spaces. Similar...
We prove that peak shaped eigenfunctions of the one-dimensional uncentered Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator are symmetric and homogeneous. This implies that the norms of the maximal operator on L(p) spaces are not attained.
For two strictly elliptic operators L₀ and L₁ on the unit ball in ℝⁿ, whose coefficients have a difference function that satisfies a Carleson-type condition, it is shown that a pointwise comparison concerning Lusin area integrals is valid. This result is used to prove that if L₁u₁ = 0 in B₁(0) and then lies in the exponential square class whenever L₀ is an operator so that L₀u₀ = 0 and implies is in the exponential square class; here S is the Lusin area integral. The exponential square theorem,...
A simple expression is presented that is equivalent to the norm of the Lpv → Lqu embedding of the cone of quasi-concave functions in the case 0 < q < p < ∞. The result is extended to more general cones and the case q = 1 is used to prove a reduction principle which shows that questions of boundedness of operators on these cones may be reduced to the boundedness of related operators on whole spaces. An equivalent norm for the dual of the Lorentz spaceΓp(v) = { f: ( ∫0∞ (f**)pv...