C-bases en espacios producto.
We give an intrinsic characterisation of the separable reflexive Banach spaces that embed into separable reflexive spaces with an unconditional basis all of whose normalised block sequences with the same growth rate are equivalent. This uses methods of E. Odell and T. Schlumprecht.
Let H be a separable Hilbert space, L(H) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators of H and Bess(H) be the set of all Bessel sequences of H. Fixed an orthonormal basis E = {ek}k∈N of H, a bijection αE: Bess(H) → L(H) can be defined. The aim of this paper is to characterize α-1E (A) for different classes of operators A ⊆ L(H). In particular, we characterize the Bessel sequences associated to injective operators, compact operators and Schatten p-classes.
In this paper we obtain two new characterizations of completeness of a normed space through the behaviour of its weakly unconditionally Cauchy series. We also prove that barrelledness of a normed space can be characterized through the behaviour of its weakly- unconditionally Cauchy series in .
We characterize those anisotropic Sobolev spaces on tori in the and uniform norms for which the idempotent multipliers have a description in terms of the coset ring of the dual group. These results are deduced from more general theorems concerning invariant projections on vector-valued function spaces on tori. This paper is a continuation of the author’s earlier paper [W].
We show that in a super-reflexive Banach space, the conditionality constants of a quasi-greedy basis ℬ grow at most like for some 0 < ε < 1. This extends results by the third-named author and Wojtaszczyk (2014), where this property was shown for quasi-greedy bases in for 1 < p < ∞. We also give an example of a quasi-greedy basis ℬ in a reflexive Banach space with .
We prove that for each dense non-compact linear operator S: X → Y between Banach spaces there is a linear operator T: Y → c₀ such that the operator TS: X → c₀ is not compact. This generalizes the Josefson-Nissenzweig Theorem.
We consider convergence of thresholding type approximations with regard to general complete minimal systems eₙ in a quasi-Banach space X. Thresholding approximations are defined as follows. Let eₙ* ⊂ X* be the conjugate (dual) system to eₙ; then define for ε > 0 and x ∈ X the thresholding approximations as , where . We study a generalized version of that we call the weak thresholding approximation. We modify the in the following way. For ε > 0, t ∈ (0,1) we set and consider the weak...