Displaying 101 – 120 of 165

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Nonlinear Maps between Besov and Sobolev spaces

Philip Brenner, Peter Kumlin (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Our main result shows that for a large class of nonlinear local mappings between Besov and Sobolev space, interpolation is an exceptional low dimensional phenomenon. This extends previous results by Kumlin [13] from the case of analytic mappings to Lipschitz and Hölder continuous maps (Corollaries 1 and 2), and which go back to ideas of the late B.E.J. Dahlberg [8].

Notes on interpolation of Hardy spaces

Quanhua Xu (1992)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let H p denote the usual Hardy space of analytic functions on the unit disc ( 0 < p ) . We prove that for every function f H 1 there exists a linear operator T defined on L 1 ( T ) which is simultaneously bounded from L 1 ( T ) to H 1 and from L ( T ) to H such that T ( f ) = f . Consequently, we get the following results ( 1 p 0 , p 1 ) :1) ( H p 0 , H p 1 ) is a Calderon-Mitjagin couple;2) for any interpolation functor F , we have F ( H p 0 , H p 1 ) = H ( F ( L p 0 ( T ) , L p 1 ( T ) ) ) , where H ( F ( L p 0 ( T ) , L p 1 ( T ) ) ) denotes the closed subspace of F ( L p 0 ( T ) , L p 1 ( T ) ) of all functions whose Fourier coefficients vanish on negative integers.These results also extend to Hardy...

Null controllability of nonlinear convective heat equations

Sebastian Aniţa, Viorel Barbu (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The internal and boundary exact null controllability of nonlinear convective heat equations with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are studied. The methods we use combine Kakutani fixed point theorem, Carleman estimates for the backward adjoint linearized system, interpolation inequalities and some estimates in the theory of parabolic boundary value problems in Lk.

On a result of Peetre about interpolation of operator spaces

Fernando Cobos, Teresa Signes (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We establish interpolation formulæ for operator spaces that are components of a given quasi-normed operator ideal. Sometimes we assume that one of the couples involved is quasi-linearizable, some other times we assume injectivity or surjectivity in the ideal. We also show the necessity of these suppositions.

On BMO-regular couples of lattices of measurable functions

S. V. Kislyakov (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce a new “weak” BMO-regularity condition for couples (X,Y) of lattices of measurable functions on the circle (Definition 3, Section 9), describe it in terms of the lattice X 1 / 2 ( Y ' ) 1 / 2 , and prove that this condition still ensures “good” interpolation for the couple ( X A , Y A ) of the Hardy-type spaces corresponding to X and Y (Theorem 1, Section 9). Also, we present a neat version of Pisier’s approach to interpolation of Hardy-type subspaces (Theorem 2, Section 13). These two main results of the paper are...

On complex interpolation and spectral continuity

Karen Saxe (1998)

Studia Mathematica

Let [ X 0 , X 1 ] t , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, be Banach spaces obtained via complex interpolation. With suitable hypotheses, linear operators T that act boundedly on both X 0 and X 1 will act boundedly on each [ X 0 , X 1 ] t . Let T t denote such an operator when considered on [ X 0 , X 1 ] t , and σ ( T t ) denote its spectrum. We are motivated by the question of whether or not the map t σ ( T t ) is continuous on (0,1); this question remains open. In this paper, we study continuity of two related maps: t ( σ ( T t ) ) (polynomially convex hull) and t e ( σ ( T t ) ) (boundary of the polynomially convex...

On duals of Calderón-Lozanovskiĭ intermediate spaces

Yves Raynaud (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We give a description of the dual of a Calderón-Lozanovskiĭ intermediate space φ(X,Y) of a couple of Banach Köthe function spaces as an intermediate space ψ(X*,Y*) of the duals, associated with a "variable" function ψ.

On equivalence of K- and J-methods for (n+1)-tuples of Banach spaces

Irina Asekritova, Natan Krugljak (1997)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that the main results of the theory of real interpolation, i.e. the equivalence and reiteration theorems, can be extended from couples to a class of (n+1)-tuples of Banach spaces, which includes (n+1)-tuples of Banach function lattices, Sobolev and Besov spaces. As an application of our results, it is shown that Lions' problem on interpolation of subspaces and Semenov's problem on interpolation of subcouples have positive solutions when all spaces are Banach function lattices or their...

On interpolation of bilinear operators by methods associated to polygons

Fernando Cobos, José María Cordeiro, Antón Martínez (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Stabiliamo teoremi di interpolazione bilineare per una combinazione dei metodi di K - e J -interpolazione associati ai poligoni, e per il J -metodo. Mostriamo che un simile risultato fallisce per il K -metodo, e diamo applicazioni all'interpolazione di spazi di operatori.

On interpolation of tensor products of Banach spaces.

Andreas Defant, Mieczyslaw Mastylo, Carsten Michels (2003)


For the complex interpolation method, Kouba proved an important interpolation formula for tensor products of Banach spaces. We give a partial extension of this formula in the injective case for the Gustavsson?Peetre method of interpolation within the setting of Banach function spaces.

On multilinear singular integrals of Calderón-Zygmund type.

Loukas Grafakos, Rodolfo H. Torres (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A variety of results regarding multilinear singular Calderón-Zygmund integral operators is systematically presented. Several tools and techniques for the study of such operators are discussed. These include new multilinear endpoint weak type estimates, multilinear interpolation, appropriate discrete decompositions, a multilinear version of Schur's test, and a multilinear version of the T1 Theorem suitable for the study of multilinear pseudodifferential and translation invariant operators. A maximal...

On sharp reiteration theorems and weighted norm inequalities

Jesús Bastero, Mario Milman, Francisco Ruiz (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We prove sharp end forms of Holmstedt's reiteration theorem which are closely connected with a general form of Gehring's Lemma. Reverse type conditions for the Hardy-Littlewood-Pólya order are considered and the maximal elements are shown to satisfy generalized Gehring conditions. The methods we use are elementary and based on variants of reverse Hardy inequalities for monotone functions.

On some properties of generalized Marcinkiewicz spaces

Evgeniy Pustylnik (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We give a full solution of the following problems concerning the spaces M φ ( X ) : (i) to what extent two functions φ and ψ should be different in order to ensure that M φ ( X ) M ψ ( X ) for any nontrivial Banach couple X⃗; (ii) when an embedding M φ ( X ) M ψ ( X ) can (or cannot) be dense; (iii) which Banach space can be regarded as an M φ ( X ) -space for some (unknown beforehand) Banach couple X⃗.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 165