Perturbed optimization problems in Banach spaces
Given a Banach space X, for n ∈ ℕ and p ∈ (1,∞) we investigate the smallest constant ∈ (0,∞) for which every n-tuple of functions f₁,...,fₙ: -1,1ⁿ → X satisfies , where μ is the uniform probability measure on the discrete hypercube -1,1ⁿ, and and are the hypercube partial derivatives and the hypercube Laplacian, respectively. Denoting this constant by , we show that for every Banach space (X,||·||). This extends the classical Pisier inequality, which corresponds to the special case for...
Bref survol du théorème de non-plongement de J. Cheeger et B. Kleiner pour le groupe d’Heisenberg dans .
We describe the geometrical structure on a complex quasi-Banach space that is necessay and sufficient for the existence of boundary limits for bounded, -valued analytic functions on the open unit disc of the complex plane. It is shown that in such spaces, closed bounded subsets have many plurisubharmonic barriers and that bounded upper semi-continuous functions on these sets have arbitrarily small plurisubharmonic perturbations that attain their maximum. This yields a certain representation of...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46B20. Secondary 47A99, 46B42.It was shown in [2] that the most natural equalities valid for every rank-one operator T in real Banach spaces lead either to the Daugavet equation ||I+T|| = 1 + ||T|| or to the equation ||I − T|| = ||I+T||. We study if the spaces where the latter condition is satisfied for every finite-rank operator inherit the properties of Daugavet spaces.
The aim of this paper is to extend the framework of the spectral method for proving property (T) to the class of reflexive Banach spaces and present a condition implying that every affine isometric action of a given group on a reflexive Banach space has a fixed point. This last property is a strong version of Kazhdan’s property (T) and is equivalent to the fact that for every isometric representation of on . The condition is expressed in terms of -Poincaré constants and we provide examples...
In this note we exhibit points of weak*-norm continuity in the dual unit ball of the injective tensor product of two Banach spaces when one of them is a G-space.
We study classes of operators represented as a pointwise absolutely convergent series of simpler ones, starting with rank 1 operators. In this short note we address the question, how far the repetition of this procedure can lead.
In this paper we bring together the different known ways of establishing the continuity of the integral over a uniformly integrable set of functions endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence. We use these techniques to study Pettis integrability, as well as compactness in C(K) spaces endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence on a dense subset D in K.