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Separable reduction theorems by the method of elementary submodels

Marek Cúth (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We simplify the presentation of the method of elementary submodels and we show that it can be used to simplify proofs of existing separable reduction theorems and to obtain new ones. Given a nonseparable Banach space X and either a subset A ⊂ X or a function f defined on X, we are able for certain properties to produce a separable subspace of X which determines whether A or f has the property in question. Such results are proved for properties of sets: of being dense, nowhere dense, meager, residual...

Separated sequences in uniformly convex Banach spaces

J. M. A. M. van Neerven (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give a characterization of uniformly convex Banach spaces in terms of a uniform version of the Kadec-Klee property. As an application we prove that if (xₙ) is a bounded sequence in a uniformly convex Banach space X which is ε-separated for some 0 < ε ≤ 2, then for all norm one vectors x ∈ X there exists a subsequence ( x n j ) of (xₙ) such that i n f j k | | x - ( x n j - x n k ) | | 1 + δ X ( 2 / 3 ε ) , where δ X is the modulus of convexity of X. From this we deduce that the unit sphere of every infinite-dimensional uniformly convex Banach space contains...

Separating polynomials on Banach spaces.

R. Gonzalo, J. A. Jaramillo (1997)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this paper we survey some recent results concerning separating polynomials on real Banach spaces. By this we mean a polynomial which separates the origin from the unit sphere of the space, thus providing an analog of the separating quadratic form on Hilbert space.

Sequential closedness of Boolean algebras of projections in Banach spaces

D. H. Fremlin, B. de Pagter, W. J. Ricker (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Complete and σ-complete Boolean algebras of projections acting in a Banach space were introduced by W. Bade in the 1950's. A basic fact is that every complete Boolean algebra of projections is necessarily a closed set for the strong operator topology. Here we address the analogous question for σ-complete Boolean algebras: are they always a sequentially closed set for the strong operator topology? For the atomic case the answer is shown to be affirmative. For the general case, we develop criteria...

Sequentially Right Banach spaces of order p

Mahdi Dehghani, Mohammad B. Dehghani, Mohammad S. Moshtaghioun (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduce and study two new classes of Banach spaces, the so-called sequentially Right Banach spaces of order p , and those defined by the dual property, the sequentially Right * Banach spaces of order p for 1 p . These classes of Banach spaces are characterized by the notions of L p -limited sets in the corresponding dual space and R p * subsets of the involved Banach space, respectively. In particular, we investigate whether the injective tensor product of a Banach space X and a reflexive Banach space...

Shift-invariant functionals on Banach sequence spaces

Albrecht Pietsch (2013)

Studia Mathematica

The present paper is a continuation of [23], from which we know that the theory of traces on the Marcinkiewicz operator ideal ( H ) : = T ( H ) : s u p 1 m < 1 / ( l o g m + 1 ) n = 1 m a ( T ) < can be reduced to the theory of shift-invariant functionals on the Banach sequence space ( ) : = c = ( γ l ) : s u p 0 k < 1 / ( k + 1 ) l = 0 k | γ l | < . The final purpose of my studies, which will be finished in [24], is the following. Using the density character as a measure, I want to determine the size of some subspaces of the dual *(H). Of particular interest are the sets formed by the Dixmier traces and the Connes-Dixmier traces...

Shilov boundary for holomorphic functions on some classical Banach spaces

María D. Acosta, Mary Lilian Lourenço (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Let ( B X ) be the Banach space of all bounded and continuous functions on the closed unit ball B X of a complex Banach space X and holomorphic on the open unit ball, with sup norm, and let u ( B X ) be the subspace of ( B X ) of those functions which are uniformly continuous on B X . A subset B B X is a boundary for ( B X ) if f = s u p x B | f ( x ) | for every f ( B X ) . We prove that for X = d(w,1) (the Lorentz sequence space) and X = C₁(H), the trace class operators, there is a minimal closed boundary for ( B X ) . On the other hand, for X = , the Schreier space,...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 316