A generalization of entropy equation: homogeneous entropies
A generalized Hankel convolution on Zemanian spaces.
A Generalized Hecke Identity.
A generalized inversion formula for the continuous Jacobi transform.
A generalized Meijer transformation.
A geometric approach to full Colombeau algebras
We present a geometric approach to diffeomorphism invariant full Colombeau algebras which allows a particularly clear view of the construction of the intrinsically defined algebra on the manifold M given in [gksv].
A Kratzel's integral transformation of distributions.
In this paper we study an integral transformation introduced by E. Kratzel in spaces of distributions. This transformation is a generalization of the Laplace transform. We employ the usually called kernel method. Analyticity, boundedness, and inversion theoremes are established for the generalized transformation.
A limit involving functions in
We point out the following fact: if Ω ⊂ is a bounded open set, δ>0, and p>1, then , where
A low temperature expansion for the pseudoscalar Yukawa model of quantum fields in two space-time dimensions
A method of approximation of spaces of generalized functions
A multidimensional distribution sampling theorem
Using Bochner-Riesz means we get a multidimensional sampling theorem for band-limited functions with polynomial growth, that is, for functions which are the Fourier transform of compactly supported distributions.
A new Approach to Temperate Generalized Colombeau Functions
A new of looking at distributional estimates; applications for the bilinear Hilbert transform.
Distributional estimates for the Carleson operator acting on characteristic functions of measurable sets of finite measure were obtained by Hunt. In this article we describe a simple method that yields such estimates for general operators acting on one or more functions. As an application we discuss how distributional estimates are obtained for the linear and bilinear Hilbert transform. These distributional estimates show that the square root of the bilinear Hilbert transform is exponentially lntegrable...
A nonstandard realization of the J.S. Silva axiomatic theory of distributions
A note on a one-dimensional nonlinear stochastic wave equation.
A note on a paper by Andreotti and Hill concerning the Hans Lewy problem
A note on boundary values for the Poisson transform
A note on distribution spaces on manifolds.
A Note on Multipliers for Integrable Boehmians
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A40, 42A38, 46F05The product of an entire function satisfying a growth condition at infinity and an integrable Boehmian is defined. Properties of this product are investigated.