Erratum to the paper "On the reflexivity of pairs of isometries and of tensor products of some reflexive algebras" (Studia Math. 83 (1986), 47-55)
A gap in the proof of [4, Theorem 1] is removed.
A gap in the proof of [4, Theorem 1] is removed.
Les états quasi-libres sur l’algèbre des relations d’anticommutation canoniques donnent lieu à des représentations qui engendrent les facteurs moyennables d’Araki et Woods. Dans le cadre des probabilités libres de Voiculescu, Shlyakhtenko a trouvé un analogue libre de ces facteurs Araki-Woods. La construction de Shlyakhtenko part d’un groupe à un paramètre de transformations orthogonales d’un espace de Hilbert réel. Les facteurs associés fournissent une richesse de nouveaux exemples de facteurs...
We show that every separable complex L₁-predual space X is contractively complemented in the CAR-algebra. As an application we deduce that the open unit ball of X is a bounded homogeneous symmetric domain.
We show that for any strongly closed subgroup of a unitary group of a finite von Neumann algebra, there exists a canonical Lie algebra which is complete with respect to the strong resolvent topology. Our analysis is based on the comparison between measure topology induced by the tracial state and the strong resolvent topology we define on the particular space of closed operators on the Hilbert space. This is an expository article of the paper by both authors in Hokkaido Math. J. 41 (2012), 31-99,...
We examine the properties of existentially closed (-embeddable) II₁ factors. In particular, we use the fact that every automorphism of an existentially closed (-embeddable) II₁ factor is approximately inner to prove that Th() is not model-complete. We also show that Th() is complete for both finite and infinite forcing and use the latter result to prove that there exist continuum many nonisomorphic existentially closed models of Th().
We study II factors and associated with good generalized Bernoulli actions of groups having an infinite almost normal subgroup with the relative property (T). We prove the following rigidity result : every finite index --bimodule (in particular, every isomorphism between and ) is described by a commensurability of the groups involved and a commensurability of their actions. The fusion algebra of finite index --bimodules is identified with an extended Hecke fusion algebra, providing the...
On munit la classe des algèbres de Kac d’une nouvelle classe de morphismes, stable par dualité. Cela permet de rendre compte, dans les cas abélien ou symétrique, de la catégorie des groupes localement compacts munis des morphismes continus de groupe. Le lien avec les morphismes précédemment définis et beaucoup plus restrictifs est établi.