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Quadratic functionals on modules over complex Banach *-algebras with an approximate identity

Dijana Ilišević (2005)

Studia Mathematica

The problem of representability of quadratic functionals by sesquilinear forms is studied in this article in the setting of a module over an algebra that belongs to a certain class of complex Banach *-algebras with an approximate identity. That class includes C*-algebras as well as H*-algebras and their trace classes. Each quadratic functional acting on such a module can be represented by a unique sesquilinear form. That form generally takes values in a larger algebra than the given quadratic functional...

Quantization and Morita equivalence for constant Dirac structures on tori

Xiang Tang, Alan Weinstein (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We define a C * -algebraic quantization of constant Dirac structures on tori and prove that O ( n , n | ) -equivalent structures have Morita equivalent quantizations. This completes and extends from the Poisson case a theorem of Rieffel and Schwarz.

Quantized orthonormal systems: A non-commutative Kwapień theorem

J. García-Cuerva, J. Parcet (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The concepts of Riesz type and cotype of a given Banach space are extended to a non-commutative setting. First, the Banach space is replaced by an operator space. The notion of quantized orthonormal system, which plays the role of an orthonormal system in the classical setting, is then defined. The Fourier type and cotype of an operator space with respect to a non-commutative compact group fit in this context. Also, the quantized analogs of Rademacher and Gaussian systems are treated. All this is...

Quantum detailed balance conditions with time reversal: the finite-dimensional case

Franco Fagnola, Veronica Umanità (2011)

Banach Center Publications

We classify generators of quantum Markov semigroups on (h), with h finite-dimensional and with a faithful normal invariant state ρ satisfying the standard quantum detailed balance condition with an anti-unitary time reversal θ commuting with ρ, namely t r ( ρ 1 / 2 x ρ t 1 / 2 ( y ) ) = t r ( ρ 1 / 2 θ y * θ ρ t 1 / 2 ( θ x * θ ) ) for all x,y ∈ and t ≥ 0. Our results also show that it is possible to find a standard form for the operators in the Lindblad representation of the generators extending the standard form of generators of quantum Markov semigroups satisfying the usual...

Quantum dynamical entropy revisited

Thomas Hudetz (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We define a new quantum dynamical entropy for a C*-algebra automorphism with an invariant state (and for an appropriate 'approximating' subalgebra), which entropy is a 'hybrid' of the two alternative definitions by Connes, Narnhofer and Thirring resp. by Alicki and Fannes (and earlier, Lindblad). We report on this entropy's properties and on three examples.

Quantum expanders and geometry of operator spaces

Gilles Pisier (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We show that there are well separated families of quantum expanders with asymptotically the maximal cardinality allowed by a known upper bound. This has applications to the “growth" of certain operator spaces: It implies asymptotically sharp estimates for the growth of the multiplicity of M N -spaces needed to represent (up to a constant C > 1 ) the M N -version of the n -dimensional operator Hilbert space O H n as a direct sum of copies of M N . We show that, when C is close to 1, this multiplicity grows as exp β n N 2 for...

Quantum Fibre Bundles. An Introduction

Tomasz Brzeziński (1997)

Banach Center Publications

An approach to construction of a quantum group gauge theory based on the quantum group generalisation of fibre bundles is reviewed.

Quantum geometry of noncommutative Bernoulli shifts

Robert Alicki (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We construct an example of a noncommutative dynamical system defined over a two dimensional noncommutative differential manifold with two positive Lyapunov exponents equal to ln d each. This dynamical system is isomorphic to the quantum Bernoulli shift on the half-chain with the quantum dynamical entropy equal to 2 ln d. This result can be interpreted as a noncommutative analog of the isomorphism between the classical one-sided Bernoulli shift and the expanding map of the circle and moreover as...

Quantum Itô B*-algebras, their classification and decomposition

V. Belavkin (1998)

Banach Center Publications

A simple axiomatic characterization of the general (infinite dimensional, noncommutative) Itô algebra is given and a pseudo-Euclidean fundamental representation for such algebra is described. The notion of Itô B*-algebra, generalizing the C*-algebra, is defined to include the Banach infinite dimensional Itô algebras of quantum Brownian and quantum Lévy motion, and the B*-algebras of vacuum and thermal quantum noise are characterized. It is proved that every Itô algebra is canonically decomposed...

Quantum lens spaces and principal actions on graph C*-algebras

Wojciech Szymański (2003)

Banach Center Publications

We study certain principal actions on noncommutative C*-algebras. Our main examples are the p - and -actions on the odd-dimensional quantum spheres, yielding as fixed-point algebras quantum lens spaces and quantum complex projective spaces, respectively. The key tool in our analysis is the relation of the ambient C*-algebras with the Cuntz-Krieger algebras of directed graphs. A general result about the principality of the gauge action on graph algebras is given.

Quantum limit theorems

Katarzyna Lubnauer (2004)

Studia Mathematica

A noncommutative analogue of limit theorems in classical probability theory for distributions of canonical pairs of observables is considered. A complete description of all limit probability operators which are quantum counterparts of the classical infinitely divisible and semistable laws is obtained in the case when scalar norming is generalised to norming by 2 × 2 matrices.

Quantum permutation groups: a survey

Teodor Banica, Julien Bichon, Benoît Collins (2007)

Banach Center Publications

This is a presentation of recent work on quantum permutation groups. Contains: a short introduction to operator algebras and Hopf algebras; quantum permutation groups, and their basic properties; diagrams, integration formulae, asymptotic laws, matrix models; the hyperoctahedral quantum group, free wreath products, quantum automorphism groups of finite graphs, graphs having no quantum symmetry; complex Hadamard matrices, cocycle twists of the symmetric group, quantum groups acting on 4 points; remarks...

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