Certain invariant subspaces for operators with rich eigenvalues.
MSC 2010: Primary: 447B37; Secondary: 47B38, 47A15
It is proved that the set Q of quasinilpotent elements in a Banach algebra is an ideal, i.e. equal to the Jacobson radical, if (and only if) the condition [Q,Q] ⊆ Q (or a similar condition concerning anticommutators) holds. In fact, if the inner derivation defined by a quasinilpotent element p maps Q into itself then p ∈ Rad A. Higher commutator conditions of quasinilpotents are also studied. It is shown that if a Banach algebra satisfies such a condition, then every quasinilpotent element has some...
We show that a bounded linear operator S on the weighted Bergman space A¹(ψ) is compact and the predual space A₀(φ) of A¹(ψ) is invariant under S* if and only if as z → ∂D, where is the normalized reproducing kernel of A¹(ψ). As an application, we give conditions for an operator in the Toeplitz algebra to be compact.
Soit une suite de Blaschke du disque unité et une fonction intérieure. On suppose que la suite de noyaux reproduisants est complète dans l’espace modèle , . On étudie, dans un premier temps, la stabilité de cette propriété de complétude, à la fois sous l’effet de perturbations des fréquences mais également sous l’effet de perturbations de la fonction . On retrouve ainsi un certain nombre de résultats classiques sur les systèmes d’exponentielles. Puis, si on suppose de plus que la suite ...
The following theorem is the main result of the paper: Let X be a complex Banach space and T belong to L(X). Suppose that 0 lies at the unbounded component of the set of those l such that lI - T is a Fredholm operator. Let Y be a dense subspace of the dual space X' and S be a closed operator from Y to X such that T'(Y) is contained in Y and TSy = ST'y for every y belonging to Y. Then for every vector x belonging to X', T'x belongs to Y if and only if x belongs to Y.