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Selfadjoint operator matrices with finite rows

Jan Janas, Jan Stochel (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A generalization of the Carleman criterion for selfadjointness of Jacobi matrices to the case of symmetric matrices with finite rows is established. In particular, a new proof of the Carleman criterion is found. An extension of Jørgensen's criterion for selfadjointness of symmetric operators with "almost invariant" subspaces is obtained. Some applications to hyponormal weighted shifts are given.

Shift-invariant functionals on Banach sequence spaces

Albrecht Pietsch (2013)

Studia Mathematica

The present paper is a continuation of [23], from which we know that the theory of traces on the Marcinkiewicz operator ideal ( H ) : = T ( H ) : s u p 1 m < 1 / ( l o g m + 1 ) n = 1 m a ( T ) < can be reduced to the theory of shift-invariant functionals on the Banach sequence space ( ) : = c = ( γ l ) : s u p 0 k < 1 / ( k + 1 ) l = 0 k | γ l | < . The final purpose of my studies, which will be finished in [24], is the following. Using the density character as a measure, I want to determine the size of some subspaces of the dual *(H). Of particular interest are the sets formed by the Dixmier traces and the Connes-Dixmier traces...

Small sets and hypercyclic vectors

Frédéric Bayart, Étienne Matheron, Pierre Moreau (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study the ``smallness'' of the set of non-hypercyclic vectors for some classical hypercyclic operators.

Sobre los operadores desplazamiento bilateral ponderados e invertibles.

Lucas Jódar (1983)


In this paper the analytic-spectral structure of the commutant of an invertible bilateral weighted shift operator is studied, extending known results. A class of operators is introduced, more general than the class of the rationally strictly cyclic bilateral shift [operators] which are not unicellular.

Sobre los operadores desplazamiento ponderados sub-acotados.

Lucas Jódar (1984)


We study the relation between the sets of cyclic vectors of an unilateral bounded below weighted shift operator T and T|S where S is an invariant subspace of T. It is proved that T can not be unicellular and known results are generalized.

Some inequalities involving upper bounds for some matrix operators. I

R. Lashkaripour, D. Foroutannia (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we consider the problem of finding upper bounds of certain matrix operators such as Hausdorff, Nörlund matrix, weighted mean and summability on sequence spaces l p ( w ) and Lorentz sequence spaces d ( w , p ) , which was recently considered in [9] and [10] and similarly to [14] by Josip Pecaric, Ivan Peric and Rajko Roki. Also, this study is an extension of some works by G. Bennett on l p spaces, see [1] and [2].

Sous-espaces biinvariants pour certains shifts pondérés

O. El-Fallah, Karim Kellay (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous étudions les sous-espaces biinvariants du shift usuel sur les espaces à poids L ω 2 = f L 2 ( 𝕋 ) : f ω = n | f ( n ) | ω 2 ( n ) 1 / 2 &lt; + , ω ( n ) = ( 1 + n ) p , n 0 et ω ( n ) ( 1 + | n | ) p n - + , pour un certain entier p 1 . Nous montrons que la trace analytique de tout sous-espace biinvariant est de type spectral, lorsque n 2 1 n log ω ( - n ) diverge, mais que ceci n’est plus valable lorsque n 2 1 n log ω ( - n ) converge.

Spectral radius of weighted composition operators in L p -spaces

Krzysztof Zajkowski (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that for the spectral radius of a weighted composition operator a T α , acting in the space L p ( X , , μ ) , the following variational principle holds: l n r ( a T α ) = m a x ν M ¹ α , e X l n | a | d ν , where X is a Hausdorff compact space, α: X → X is a continuous mapping preserving a Borel measure μ with suppμ = X, M ¹ α , e is the set of all α-invariant ergodic probability measures on X, and a: X → ℝ is a continuous and -measurable function, where = n = 0 α - n ( ) . This considerably extends the range of validity of the above formula, which was previously known in the case...

Strictly cyclic algebra of operators acting on Banach spaces H p ( β )

Bahmann Yousefi (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let { β ( n ) } n = 0 be a sequence of positive numbers and 1 p < . We consider the space H p ( β ) of all power series f ( z ) = n = 0 f ^ ( n ) z n such that n = 0 | f ^ ( n ) | p β ( n ) p < . We investigate strict cyclicity of H p ( β ) , the weakly closed algebra generated by the operator of multiplication by z acting on H p ( β ) , and determine the maximal ideal space, the dual space and the reflexivity of the algebra H p ( β ) . We also give a necessary condition for a composition operator to be bounded on H p ( β ) when H p ( β ) is strictly cyclic.

Strictly singular operators and the invariant subspace problem

C. Read (1999)

Studia Mathematica

Properties of strictly singular operators have recently become of topical interest because the work of Gowers and Maurey in [GM1] and [GM2] gives (among many other brilliant and surprising results, such as those in [G1] and [G2]) Banach spaces on which every continuous operator is of form λ I + S, where S is strictly singular. So if strictly singular operators had invariant subspaces, such spaces would have the property that all operators on them had invariant subspaces. However, in this paper we...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 238