Displaying 201 – 220 of 491

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On S. Mazur's problems 8 and 88 from the Scottish Book

V. V. Peller (2007)

Studia Mathematica

The paper discusses Problems 8 and 88 posed by Stanisław Mazur in the Scottish Book. It turns out that negative solutions to both problems are immediate consequences of the results of Peller [J. Operator Theory 7 (1982)]. We discuss here some quantitative aspects of Problems 8 and 88 and give answers to open problems discussed in a recent paper of Pełczyński and Sukochev in connection with Problem 88.

On scalar-valued nonlinear absolutely summing mappings

Daniel Pellegrino (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We investigate cases ("coincidence situations") in which every scalar-valued continuous n-homogeneous polynomial (or every continuous n-linear mapping) is absolutely (p;q)-summing. We extend some well known coincidence situations and obtain several non-coincidence results, inspired by a linear technique due to Lindenstrauss and Pełczyński.

On self-commutators of Toeplitz operators with rational symbols

Sherwin Kouchekian, James E. Thomson (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that the self-commutator of a Toeplitz operator with unbounded analytic rational symbol has a dense domain in both the Bergman space and the Hardy space of the unit disc. This is a basic step towards establishing whether the self-commutator has a compact or trace-class extension.

On some BK spaces.

De Malafosse, Bruno (2003)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

On some ergodic properties for continuous and affine functions

Charles J. K. Batty (1978)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Two problems posed by Choquet and Foias are solved:(i) Let T be a positive linear operator on the space C ( X ) of continuous real-valued functions on a compact Hausdorff space X . It is shown that if n - 1 r = 0 n - 1 T r 1 converges pointwise to a continuous limit, then the convergence is uniform on X .(ii) An example is given of a Choquet simplex K and a positive linear operator T on the space A ( K ) of continuous affine real-valued functions on K , such that inf { ( T n 1 ) ( x ) : n } < 1 for each x in K , but T n 1 does not converge to 0.

On some problems connected with diagonal map in some spaces of analytic functions

Romi Shamoyan (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica

For any holomorphic function f on the unit polydisk 𝔻 n we consider its restriction to the diagonal, i.e., the function in the unit disc 𝔻 defined by Diag f ( z ) = f ( z , ... , z ) , and prove that the diagonal map Diag maps the space Q p , q , s ( 𝔻 n ) of the polydisk onto the space Q ^ p , s , n q ( 𝔻 ) of the unit disk.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 491