Displaying 161 – 180 of 372

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A study of an operator arising in the theory of circular plates

Leopold Herrmann (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

The operator L 0 : D L 0 H H , L 0 u = 1 r d d r r d d r 1 r d d r r d u d r , D L 0 = { u C 4 ( [ 0 , R ] ) , u ' ( 0 ) = u ' ' ' ' ( 0 ) = 0 , u ( R ) = u ' ( R ) = 0 } , H = L 2 , r ( 0 , R ) is shown to be essentially self-adjoint, positive definite with a compact resolvent. The conditions on L 0 (in fact, on a general symmetric operator) are given so as to justify the application of the Fourier method for solving the problems of the types L 0 u = g and u t t + L 0 u = g , respectively.

A study of resolvent set for a class of band operators with matrix elements

Andrey Osipov (2016)

Concrete Operators

For operators generated by a certain class of infinite three-diagonal matrices with matrix elements we establish a characterization of the resolvent set in terms of polynomial solutions of the underlying second order finite-difference equations. This enables us to describe some asymptotic behavior of the corresponding systems of vector orthogonal polynomials on the resolvent set. We also find that the operators generated by infinite Jacobi matrices have the largest resolvent set in this class.

A sufficient condition for the boundedness of operator-weighted martingale transforms and Hilbert transform

Sandra Pot (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Let W be an operator weight taking values almost everywhere in the bounded positive invertible linear operators on a separable Hilbert space . We show that if W and its inverse W - 1 both satisfy a matrix reverse Hölder property introduced by Christ and Goldberg, then the weighted Hilbert transform H : L ² W ( , ) L ² W ( , ) and also all weighted dyadic martingale transforms T σ : L ² W ( , ) L ² W ( , ) are bounded. We also show that this condition is not necessary for the boundedness of the weighted Hilbert transform.

A unified approach to the strong approximation property and the weak bounded approximation property of Banach spaces

Aleksei Lissitsin (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We consider convex versions of the strong approximation property and the weak bounded approximation property and develop a unified approach to their treatment introducing the inner and outer Λ-bounded approximation properties for a pair consisting of an operator ideal and a space ideal. We characterize this type of properties in a general setting and, using the isometric DFJP-factorization of operator ideals, provide a range of examples for this characterization, eventually answering a question...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 372