Remark on the Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators with application to nonlinear integral equations of generalized Hammerstein type
Dans ce travail on s’intéresse aux opérateurs de composition sur certains espaces de Besov et de Lizorkin-Triebel à valeurs dans . Dans le but de caractériser les fonctions qui opèrent, on établit que la condition de Lipschitz, locale ou globale suivant que l’espace ou se plonge ou non dans , est nécessaire pour , et que l’appartenance locale au même espace l’est aussi pour . Nous étudions enfin la régularité de l’opérateur .
This paper deals with the asymptotic behavior as of solutions to the forced Preisach oscillator equation , , where is a Preisach hysteresis operator, is a given function and is the time variable. We establish an explicit asymptotic relation between the Preisach measure and the function (or, in a more physical terminology, a balance condition between the hysteresis dissipation and the external forcing) which guarantees that every solution remains bounded for all times. Examples show...
Let Ω be a measure space, and E, F be separable Banach spaces. Given a multifunction , denote by the set of all measurable selections of the multifunction , s ↦ f(s,x(s)), for a function x: Ω → E. First, we obtain new theorems on H-upper/H-lower/lower semicontinuity (without assuming any conditions on the growth of the generating multifunction f(s,u) with respect to u) for the multivalued (Nemytskiĭ) superposition operator mapping some open domain G ⊂ X into , where X and Y are Köthe-Bochner...
We study the superposition operator f on on the space ac 0 of sequences almost converging to zero. Conditions are derived for which f has a representation of the form f x = a+bx +g x, for all x ∈ ac 0 with a = f 0, b ∈ D(ac 0), g a superposition operator from ℓ∞ into I(ac 0), D(ac 0) = {z: zx ∈ ac 0 for all x ∈ ac 0}, and I(ac 0) the maximal ideal in ac 0. If f is generated by a function f of a real variable, then f is linear. We consider the conditions for which a bounded function f generates f...
We characterize the set of all functions f of R to itself such that the associated superposition operator Tf: g → f º g maps the class BVp1(R) into itself. Here BVp1(R), 1 ≤ p < ∞, denotes the set of primitives of functions of bounded p-variation, endowed with a suitable norm. It turns out that such an operator is always bounded and sublinear. Also, consequences for the boundedness of superposition operators defined on Besov spaces Bp,qs are discussed.
Let and be solid sequence spaces. For a sequence of modulus functions let . Given another sequence of modulus functions , we characterize the continuity of the superposition operators from into for some Banach sequence spaces and under the assumptions that the moduli
We transform the concept of p-summing operators, 1≤ p < ∞, to the more general setting of nonlinear Banach space operators. For 1-summing operators on B(Σ,X)-spaces having weak integral representations we generalize the Grothendieck-Pietsch domination principle. This is applied for the characterization of 1-summing Hammerstein operators on C(S,X)-spaces. For p-summing Hammerstein operators we derive the existence of control measures and p-summing extensions to B(Σ,X)-spaces.