Displaying 381 – 400 of 651

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On the weak amenability of ℬ(X)

A. Blanco (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the weak amenability of the Banach algebra ℬ(X) of all bounded linear operators on a Banach space X. Sufficient conditions are given for weak amenability of this and other Banach operator algebras with bounded one-sided approximate identities.

Open partial isometries and positivity in operator spaces

David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We first study positivity in C*-modules using tripotents ( = partial isometries) which are what we call open. This is then used to study ordered operator spaces via an "ordered noncommutative Shilov boundary" which we introduce. This boundary satisfies the usual universal diagram/property of the noncommutative Shilov boundary, but with all the arrows completely positive. Because of their independent interest, we also systematically study open tripotents and their properties.

Open projections in operator algebras I: Comparison theory

David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We begin a program of generalizing basic elements of the theory of comparison, equivalence, and subequivalence, of elements in C*-algebras, to the setting of more general algebras. In particular, we follow the recent lead of Lin, Ortega, Rørdam, and Thiel of studying these equivalences, etc., in terms of open projections or module isomorphisms. We also define and characterize a new class of inner ideals in operator algebras, and develop a matching theory of open partial isometries in operator ideals...

Open projections in operator algebras II: Compact projections

David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We generalize some aspects of the theory of compact projections relative to a C*-algebra, to the setting of more general algebras. Our main result is that compact projections are the decreasing limits of 'peak projections', and in the separable case compact projections are just the peak projections. We also establish new forms of the noncommutative Urysohn lemma relative to an operator algebra, and we show that a projection is compact iff the associated face in the state space of the algebra is...

Operator algebras

T. K. Carne (1979/1980)

Séminaire Analyse fonctionnelle (dit "Maurey-Schwartz")

Operator Figà-Talamanca-Herz algebras

Volker Runde (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be a locally compact group. We use the canonical operator space structure on the spaces L p ( G ) for p ∈ [1,∞] introduced by G. Pisier to define operator space analogues O A p ( G ) of the classical Figà-Talamanca-Herz algebras A p ( G ) . If p ∈ (1,∞) is arbitrary, then A p ( G ) O A p ( G ) and the inclusion is a contraction; if p = 2, then OA₂(G) ≅ A(G) as Banach spaces, but not necessarily as operator spaces. We show that O A p ( G ) is a completely contractive Banach algebra for each p ∈ (1,∞), and that O A q ( G ) O A p ( G ) completely contractively for amenable...

Operator ideal properties of vector measures with finite variation

Susumu Okada, Werner J. Ricker, Luis Rodríguez-Piazza (2011)

Studia Mathematica

Given a vector measure m with values in a Banach space X, a desirable property (when available) of the associated Banach function space L¹(m) of all m-integrable functions is that L¹(m) = L¹(|m|), where |m| is the [0,∞]-valued variation measure of m. Closely connected to m is its X-valued integration map Iₘ: f ↦ ∫f dm for f ∈ L¹(m). Many traditional operators from analysis arise as integration maps in this way. A detailed study is made of the connection between the property L¹(m) = L¹(|m|) and the...

Operator Segal algebras in Fourier algebras

Brian E. Forrest, Nico Spronk, Peter J. Wood (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be a locally compact group, A(G) its Fourier algebra and L¹(G) the space of Haar integrable functions on G. We study the Segal algebra S¹A(G) = A(G) ∩ L¹(G) in A(G). It admits an operator space structure which makes it a completely contractive Banach algebra. We compute the dual space of S¹A(G). We use it to show that the restriction operator u u | H : S ¹ A ( G ) A ( H ) , for some non-open closed subgroups H, is a surjective complete quotient map. We also show that if N is a non-compact closed subgroup, then the averaging...

Operator semigroups in Banach space theory

Pietro Aiena, Manuel González, Antonio Martínez-Abejón (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questo lavoro, motivati dalla teoria di Fredholm in spazi di Banach e dalla cosiddetta teoria degli ideali di operatori nel senso di Pietsch, viene definito un nuovo concetto di semigruppo di operatori. Questa nuova definizione include quella di molte classi di operatori già studiate in letteratura, come la classe degli operatori di semi-Fredholm, quella degli operatori tauberiani ed altre ancora. Inoltre permette un nuovo ed unificante approccio ad una serie di problemi in teoria degli operatori...

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 651