Tensor norms related to the space of Cohen p-nuclear multilinear mappings.
We present a model for two doubly commuting operator weighted shifts. We also investigate general pairs of operator weighted shifts. The above model generalizes the model for two doubly commuting shifts. WOT-closed algebras for such pairs are described. We also deal with reflexivity for such pairs assuming invertibility of operator weights and a condition on the joint point spectrum.
We give an explicit description of a tensor norm equivalent on to the associated tensor norm to the ideal of -absolutely summing operators. As a consequence, we describe a tensor norm on the class of Banach spaces which is equivalent to the left projective tensor norm associated to .
In this paper we consider a subset  of a Banach algebra A (containing all elements of A which have a generalized inverse) and characterize membership in the closure of the invertibles for the elements of Â. Thus our result yields a characterization of the closure of the invertible group for all those Banach algebras A which satisfy  = A. In particular, we prove that  = A when A is a von Neumann algebra. We also derive from our characterization new proofs of previously known results, namely Feldman...
Let M and N be nonzero subspaces of a Hilbert space H satisfying M ∩ N = {0} and M ∨ N = H and let T ∈ ℬ(H). Consider the question: If T leaves each of M and N invariant, respectively, intertwines M and N, does T decompose as a sum of two operators with the same property and each of which, in addition, annihilates one of the subspaces? If the angle between M and N is positive the answer is affirmative. If the angle is zero, the answer is still affirmative for finite rank operators but there are...
It is well known that in a free group , one has , where E is the set of all the generators. We show that the (completely) bounded multiplier norm of any set satisfying the Leinert condition depends only on its cardinality. Consequently, based on a result of Wysoczański, we obtain a formula for .
We study the space of p-compact operators, , using the theory of tensor norms and operator ideals. We prove that is associated to , the left injective associate of the Chevet-Saphar tensor norm (which is equal to ). This allows us to relate the theory of p-summing operators to that of p-compact operators. Using the results known for the former class and appropriate hypotheses on E and F we prove that is equal to for a wide range of values of p and q, and show that our results are sharp....
A Banach space X is said to have the weak λ-bounded approximation property if for every separable reflexive Banach space Y and for every compact operator T : X → Y, there exists a net (Sα) of finite-rank operators on X such that supα ||TSα|| ≤ λ||T|| and Sα → IX uniformly on compact subsets of X.We prove the following theorem. Let X** or Y* have the Radon-Nikodym property; if X has the weak λ-bounded approximation property, then for every bounded linear operator T: X → Y, there exists a net (Sα)...
We show that every Jordan isomorphism between CSL algebras is the sum of an isomorphism and an anti-isomorphism. Also we show that each Jordan derivation of a CSL algebra is a derivation.