Displaying 141 – 160 of 651

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Dual Banach algebras: representations and injectivity

Matthew Daws (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We study representations of Banach algebras on reflexive Banach spaces. Algebras which admit such representations which are bounded below seem to be a good generalisation of Arens regular Banach algebras; this class includes dual Banach algebras as defined by Runde, but also all group algebras, and all discrete (weakly cancellative) semigroup algebras. Such algebras also behave in a similar way to C*- and W*-algebras; we show that interpolation space techniques can be used in place of GNS type arguments....

Duality of measures of non-𝒜-compactness

Juan Manuel Delgado, Cándido Piñeiro (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Let be a Banach operator ideal. Based on the notion of -compactness in a Banach space due to Carl and Stephani, we deal with the notion of measure of non–compactness of an operator. We consider a map χ (respectively, n ) acting on the operators of the surjective (respectively, injective) hull of such that χ ( T ) = 0 (respectively, n ( T ) = 0 ) if and only if the operator T is -compact (respectively, injectively -compact). Under certain conditions on the ideal , we prove an equivalence inequality involving χ ( T * ) and n d ( T ) ....

Embeddings of finite-dimensional operator spaces into the second dual

Alvaro Arias, Timur Oikhberg (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We show that, if a a finite-dimensional operator space E is such that X contains E C-completely isomorphically whenever X** contains E completely isometrically, then E is 2 15 C 11 -completely isomorphic to Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ for some n, m ∈ ℕ ∪ 0. The converse is also true: if X** contains Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ λ-completely isomorphically, then X contains Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ (2λ + ε)-completely isomorphically for any ε > 0.

Equivalences involving (p,q)-multi-norms

Oscar Blasco, H. G. Dales, Hung Le Pham (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We consider (p,q)-multi-norms and standard t-multi-norms based on Banach spaces of the form L r ( Ω ) , and resolve some question about the mutual equivalence of two such multi-norms. We introduce a new multi-norm, called the [p,q]-concave multi-norm, and relate it to the standard t-multi-norm.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 651