Some variational results using generalizations of sequential lower semicontinuity.
A justification of heterogeneous membrane models as zero-thickness limits of a cylindral three-dimensional heterogeneous nonlinear hyperelastic body is proposed in the spirit of Le Dret (1995). Specific characterizations of the 2D elastic energy are produced. As a generalization of Bouchitté et al. (2002), the case where external loads induce a density of bending moment that produces a Cosserat vector field is also investigated. Throughout, the 3D-2D dimensional reduction is viewed as a problem...
A justification of heterogeneous membrane models as zero-thickness limits of a cylindral three-dimensional heterogeneous nonlinear hyperelastic body is proposed in the spirit of Le Dret (1995). Specific characterizations of the 2D elastic energy are produced. As a generalization of Bouchitté et al. (2002), the case where external loads induce a density of bending moment that produces a Cosserat vector field is also investigated. Throughout, the 3D-2D dimensional reduction is viewed as a problem...
We give an analysis of the stability and uniqueness of the simply laminated microstructure for all three tetragonal to monoclinic martensitic transformations. The energy density for tetragonal to monoclinic transformations has four rotationally invariant wells since the transformation has four variants. One of these tetragonal to monoclinic martensitic transformations corresponds to the shearing of the rectangular side, one corresponds to the shearing of the square base, and one corresponds to...
Let Γ(X) be the convex proper lower semicontinuous functions on a normed linear space X. We show, subject to Rockafellar’s constraints qualifications, that the operations of sum, episum and restriction are continuous with respect to the slice topology that reduces to the topology of Mosco convergence for reflexive X. We show also when X is complete that the epigraphical difference is continuous. These results are applied to convergence of convex sets.
We prove the periodicity of all H2-local minimizers with low energy for a one-dimensional higher order variational problem. The results extend and complement an earlier work of Stefan Müller which concerns the structure of global minimizer. The energy functional studied in this work is motivated by the investigation of coherent solid phase transformations and the competition between the effects from regularization and formation of small scale structures. With a special choice of a bilinear double...
In questo lavoro riassumiamo alcuni risultati di una ricerca riguardante le singolarità (punti di non differenziabilità) delle funzioni convesse. Questa ricerca copre vari aspetti, che vanno dalla stima della dimensione di Hausdorff di certi tipi di singolarità fino allo studio della loro propagazione. Studiamo anche problemi di semicontinuità e rilassamento collegati all'area del grafico del gradiente di una funzione convessa e l'esistenza dei determinanti, in senso debole, dei minori della matrice...
The paper contains calculus rules for coderivatives of compositions, sums and intersections of set-valued mappings. The types of coderivatives considered correspond to Dini-Hadamard and limiting Dini-Hadamard subdifferentials in Gˆateaux differentiable spaces, Fréchet and limiting Fréchet subdifferentials in Asplund spaces and approximate subdifferentials in arbitrary Banach spaces. The key element of the unified approach to obtaining various calculus rules for various types of derivatives presented...
Conditions under which the inf-convolution of f and g has the cancellation property (i.e. f □ h ≡ g □ h implies f ≡ g) are treated in a convex analysis framework. In particular, we show that the set of strictly convex lower semicontinuous functions on a reflexive Banach space such that constitutes a semigroup, with inf-convolution as multiplication, which can be embedded in the group of its quotients.