Singular quadratic functionals and transformation of linear Hamiltonian systems
Il est démontré par Mentagui [ESAIM : COCV 9 (2003) 297-315] que, dans le cas des espaces de Banach généraux, la convergence d’Attouch-Wets est stable par une classe d’opérations classiques de l’analyse convexe, lorsque les limites des suites d’ensembles et de fonctions satisfont certaines conditions de qualification naturelles. Ceci tombe en défaut avec la slice convergence. Dans cet article, nous établissons des conditions de qualification uniformes assurant la stabilité de la slice convergence...
Il est démontré par Mentagui [ESAIM: COCV9 (2003) 297-315] que, dans le cas des espaces de Banach généraux, la convergence d'Attouch-Wets est stable par une classe d'opérations classiques de l'analyse convexe, lorsque les limites des suites d'ensembles et de fonctions satisfont certaines conditions de qualification naturelles. Ceci tombe en défaut avec la slice convergence. Dans cet article, nous établissons des conditions de qualification uniformes assurant la stabilité de la slice convergence...
We study Hamiltonian systems which generate extremal flows of regular variational problems on smooth manifolds and demonstrate that negativity of the generalized curvature of such a system implies the existence of a global smooth optimal synthesis for the infinite horizon problem. We also show that in the Euclidean case negativity of the generalized curvature is a consequence of the convexity of the Lagrangian with respect to the pair of arguments. Finally, we give a generic classification for...
A numerical technique for solving the classical brachistochrone problem in the calculus of variations is presented. The brachistochrone problem is first formulated as a nonlinear optimal control problem. Application of this method results in the transformation of differential and integral expressions into some algebraic equations to which Newton-type methods can be applied. The method is general, and yields accurate results.
In this paper we present some applications of the J.-L. Lions’ optimal control theory to real life problems in engineering and environmental sciences. More precisely, we deal with the following three problems: sterilization of canned foods, optimal management of waste-water treatment plants and noise control
In this paper we present some applications of the J.-L. Lions' optimal control theory to real life problems in engineering and environmental sciences. More precisely, we deal with the following three problems: sterilization of canned foods, optimal management of waste-water treatment plants and noise control
We show that asserting the regularity (in the sense of Rund) of a first-order parametric multiple-integral variational problem is equivalent to asserting that the differential of the projection of its Hilbert-Carathéodory form is multisymplectic, and is also equivalent to asserting that Dedecker extremals of the latter -form are holonomic.
This paper describes some recent research on parametric problems in the calculus of variations. It explains the relationship between these problems and the type of problem more usual in physics, where there is a given space of independent variables, and it gives an interpretation of the first variation formula in this context in terms of cohomology.
We consider a quadratic control problem with a semilinear state equation depending on a small parameter . We show that the optimal control is a regular function of such parameter.