Displaying 381 – 400 of 2730

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Classification of Maximal Optical Orthogonal Codes of Weight 3 and Small Lengths

Baicheva, Tsonka, Topalova, Svetlana (2015)

Serdica Journal of Computing

Dedicated to the memory of the late professor Stefan Dodunekov on the occasion of his 70th anniversary. We classify up to multiplier equivalence maximal (v, 3, 1) optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) with v ≤ 61 and maximal (v, 3, 2, 1) OOCs with v ≤ 99. There is a one-to-one correspondence between maximal (v, 3, 1) OOCs, maximal cyclic binary constant weight codes of weight 3 and minimum dis tance 4, (v, 3; ⌊(v − 1)/6⌋) difference packings, and maximal (v, 3, 1) binary cyclically permutable constant...

Classifying homogeneous ultrametric spaces up to coarse equivalence

Taras Banakh, Dušan Repovš (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For every metric space X we introduce two cardinal characteristics c o v ( X ) and c o v ( X ) describing the capacity of balls in X. We prove that these cardinal characteristics are invariant under coarse equivalence, and that two ultrametric spaces X,Y are coarsely equivalent if c o v ( X ) = c o v ( X ) = c o v ( Y ) = c o v ( Y ) . This implies that an ultrametric space X is coarsely equivalent to an isometrically homogeneous ultrametric space if and only if c o v ( X ) = c o v ( X ) . Moreover, two isometrically homogeneous ultrametric spaces X,Y are coarsely equivalent if and only if c o v ( X ) = c o v ( Y ) ...

Clifford algebras, Möbius transformations, Vahlen matrices, and B -loops

Jimmie Lawson (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we show that well-known relationships connecting the Clifford algebra on negative euclidean space, Vahlen matrices, and Möbius transformations extend to connections with the Möbius loop or gyrogroup on the open unit ball B in n -dimensional euclidean space n . One notable achievement is a compact, convenient formula for the Möbius loop operation a * b = ( a + b ) ( 1 - a b ) - 1 , where the operations on the right are those arising from the Clifford algebra (a formula comparable to ( w + z ) ( 1 + w ¯ z ) - 1 for the Möbius loop multiplication...

Čo s nejednoznačným zadaním slovnej úlohy?

Matúš Harminc, Jana Chudá (2016)

Učitel matematiky

In the paper we deal with a task about two circles touching in a rectangle. The assignment of the task was formulated in a fuzzy way, so solvers understood it differently. We present extracts from the authentic solutions which reflect this phenomenon. We suggest an approach to such tasks, how to solve them and how to assess their solutions.

Coarse homotopy on metric spaces and their corona

Elisa Hartmann (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This paper discusses properties of the Higson corona by means of a quotient on coarse ultrafilters on a proper metric space. We use this description to show that the corona functor is faithful and reflects isomorphisms.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 2730