A sequence of inequalities for certain sets of concurrent cevians.
The method of projections onto convex sets to find a point in the intersection of a finite number of closed convex sets in a Euclidean space, may lead to slow convergence of the constructed sequence when that sequence enters some narrow “corridor” between two or more convex sets. A way to leave such corridor consists in taking a big step at different moments during the iteration, because in that way the monotoneous behaviour that is responsible for the slow convergence may be interrupted. In this...
We show that among all the convex bounded domain in having an assigned Fraenkel asymmetry index, there exists only one convex set (up to a similarity) which minimizes the isoperimetric deficit. We also show how to construct this set. The result can be read as a sharp improvement of the isoperimetric inequality for convex planar domain.
A sharpening of a discrete case of Wirtinger's inequality is given. It is then used to sharpen the isoperimetric unequality for polygons.
We give a self-contained introduction to the theory of shadows as a tool to study smooth 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds. The goal of the present paper is twofold: on the one hand, it is intended to be a shortcut to a basic use of the theory of shadows, on the other hand it gives a sketchy overview of some of the most recent results on shadows. No original result is proved here and most of the details of the proofs are left out.
Negative association for a family of random variables means that for any coordinatewise increasing functions f,g we have for any disjoint sets of indices (iₘ), (jₙ). It is a way to indicate the negative correlation in a family of random variables. It was first introduced in 1980s in statistics by Alem Saxena and Joag-Dev Proschan, and brought to convex geometry in 2005 by Wojtaszczyk Pilipczuk to prove the Central Limit Theorem for Orlicz balls. The paper gives a relatively simple proof of...