Das Volumen spezieller konvexer Polytope
An abstract convexity space on a connected hypergraph H with vertex set V (H) is a family C of subsets of V (H) (to be called the convex sets of H) such that: (i) C contains the empty set and V (H), (ii) C is closed under intersection, and (iii) every set in C is connected in H. A convex set X of H is a minimal vertex convex separator of H if there exist two vertices of H that are separated by X and are not separated by any convex set that is a proper subset of X. A nonempty subset X of V (H) is...
A classification of all possible icosahedral viral capsids is proposed. It takes into account the diversity of hexamers’ compositions, leading to definite capsid size.We showhowthe self-organization of observed capsids during their production results from definite symmetries of constituting hexamers. The division of all icosahedral capsids into four symmetry classes is given. New subclasses implementing the action of symmetry groups Z2, Z3 and S3 are found and described. They concern special cases...