Displaying 761 – 780 of 8745

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Around the bounded L 2 curvature conjecture in general relativity

Sergiu Klainerman, Igor Rodnianski, Jeremie Szeftel (2008)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We report on recent progress obtained on the construction and control of a parametrix to the homogeneous wave equation g φ = 0 , where is a rough metric satisfying the Einstein vacuum equations. Controlling such a parametrix as well as its error term when one only assumes L 2 bounds on the curvature tensor R of is a major step towards the proof of the bounded L 2 curvature conjecture.

Aspects of Geometric Quantization Theory in Poisson Geometry

Izu Vaisman (2000)

Banach Center Publications

This is a survey exposition of the results of [14] on the relationship between the geometric quantization of a Poisson manifold, of its symplectic leaves and its symplectic realizations, and of the results of [13] on a certain kind of super-geometric quantization. A general formulation of the geometric quantization problem is given at the beginning.

Aspects of parabolic invariant theory

Gover, Rod A. (1999)

Proceedings of the 18th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

A certain family of homogeneous spaces is investigated. Basic invariant operators for each of these structures are presented and some analogies to Levi-Civita connections of Riemannian geometry are pointed out.

Associative and Lie deformations of Poisson algebras

Elisabeth Remm (2012)

Communications in Mathematics

Considering a Poisson algebra as a nonassociative algebra satisfying the Markl-Remm identity, we study deformations of Poisson algebras as deformations of this nonassociative algebra. We give a natural interpretation of deformations which preserve the underlying associative structure and of deformations which preserve the underlying Lie algebra and we compare the associated cohomologies with the Poisson cohomology parametrizing the general deformations of Poisson algebras.

Currently displaying 761 – 780 of 8745