Construction of Kähler surfaces with constant scalar curvature
The space of Kähler metrics in a fixed Kähler class on a projective Kähler manifold is an infinite dimensional symmetric space whose geodesics are solutions of a homogeneous complex Monge-Ampère equation in , where is an annulus. Phong-Sturm have proven that the Monge-Ampère geodesic of Kähler potentials of may be approximated in a weak sense by geodesics of the finite dimensional symmetric space of Bergman metrics of height . In this article we prove that in in the case of...
These are the lecture notes of a minicourse given at a winter school in Marseille 2011. The aim of the course was to give an introduction to recent work on the geometry of the space of Kähler metrics associated to an ample line bundle. The emphasis of the course was the role of convexity, both as a motivating example and as a tool.
We consider a Riemannian submersion π: M → N, where M is a CR-submanifold of a locally conformal Kaehler manifold L with the Lee form ω which is strongly non-Kaehler and N is an almost Hermitian manifold. First, we study some geometric structures of N and the relation between the holomorphic sectional curvatures of L and N. Next, we consider the leaves M of the foliation given by ω = 0 and give a necessary and sufficient condition for M to be a Sasakian manifold.