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Vietoris topology on spaces dominated by second countable ones

Carlos Islas, Daniel Jardon (2015)

Open Mathematics

For a given space X let C(X) be the family of all compact subsets of X. A space X is dominated by a space M if X has an M-ordered compact cover, this means that there exists a family F = FK : K ∈ C(M) ⊂ C(X) such that ∪ F = X and K ⊂ L implies that FK ⊂ FL for any K;L ∈ C(M). A space X is strongly dominated by a space M if there exists an M-ordered compact cover F such that for any compact K ⊂ X there is F ∈ F such that K ⊂ F . Let K(X) D C(X){Øbe the set of all nonempty compact subsets of a space...

Weak orderability of second countable spaces

Valentin Gutev (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We demonstrate that a second countable space is weakly orderable if and only if it has a continuous weak selection. This provides a partial positive answer to a question of van Mill and Wattel.

Weak selections and flows in networks

Valentin Gutev, Tsugunori Nogura (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We demonstrate that every Vietoris continuous selection for the hyperspace of at most 3-point subsets implies the existence of a continuous selection for the hyperspace of at most 4-point subsets. However, in general, we do not know if such ``extensions'' are possible for hyperspaces of sets of other cardinalities. In particular, we do not know if the hyperspace of at most 3-point subsets has a continuous selection provided the hyperspace of at most 2-point subsets has a continuous selection.

Weak selections and weak orderability of function spaces

Valentin Gutev (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

It is proved that for a zero-dimensional space X , the function space C p ( X , 2 ) has a Vietoris continuous selection for its hyperspace of at most 2-point sets if and only if X is separable. This provides the complete affirmative solution to a question posed by Tamariz-Mascarúa. It is also obtained that for a strongly zero-dimensional metrizable space E , the function space C p ( X , E ) is weakly orderable if and only if its hyperspace of at most 2-point sets has a Vietoris continuous selection. This provides a partial...

Whitney blocks in the hyperspace of a finite graph

Alejandro Illanes (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let X be a finite graph. Let C ( X ) be the hyperspace of all nonempty subcontinua of X and let μ : C ( X ) be a Whitney map. We prove that there exist numbers 0 < T 0 < T 1 < T 2 < < T M = μ ( X ) such that if T ( T i - 1 , T i ) , then the Whitney block μ - 1 ( T i - 1 , T i ) is homeomorphic to the product μ - 1 ( T ) × ( T i - 1 , T i ) . We also show that there exists only a finite number of topologically different Whitney levels for C ( X ) .

Whitney maps-a non-metric case

Janusz Charatonik, Włodzimierz Charatonik (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is shown that there is no Whitney map on the hyperspace 2 X for non-metrizable Hausdorff compact spaces X. Examples are presented of non-metrizable continua X which admit and ones which do not admit a Whitney map for C(X).

Whitney Preserving Maps onto Dendrites

Eiichi Matsuhashi (2012)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We prove the following results. (i) Let X be a continuum such that X contains a dense arc component and let D be a dendrite with a closed set of branch points. If f:X → D is a Whitney preserving map, then f is a homeomorphism. (ii) For each dendrite D' with a dense set of branch points there exist a continuum X' containing a dense arc component and a Whitney preserving map f':X' → D' such that f' is not a homeomorphism.

Wijsman hyperspaces of non-separable metric spaces

Rodrigo Hernández-Gutiérrez, Paul J. Szeptycki (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Given a metric space ⟨X,ρ⟩, consider its hyperspace of closed sets CL(X) with the Wijsman topology τ W ( ρ ) . It is known that C L ( X ) , τ W ( ρ ) is metrizable if and only if X is separable, and it is an open question by Di Maio and Meccariello whether this is equivalent to C L ( X ) , τ W ( ρ ) being normal. We prove that if the weight of X is a regular uncountable cardinal and X is locally separable, then C L ( X ) , τ W ( ρ ) is not normal. We also solve some questions by Cao, Junnila and Moors regarding isolated points in Wijsman hyperspaces.

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