Fréchet property in compact spaces is not preserved by -equivalence
An example of two -equivalent (hence -equivalent) compact spaces is presented, one of which is Fréchet and the other is not.
An example of two -equivalent (hence -equivalent) compact spaces is presented, one of which is Fréchet and the other is not.
Necessary conditions and sufficient conditions are given for to be a (σ-) m₁- or m₃-space. (A space is an m₁-space if each of its points has a closure-preserving local base.) A compact uncountable space K is given with an m₁-space, which answers questions raised by Dow, Ramírez Martínez and Tkachuk (2010) and Tkachuk (2011).
We apply the general theory of -Corson Compact spaces to remove an unnecessary hypothesis of zero-dimensionality from a theorem on polyadic spaces of tightness . In particular, we prove that polyadic spaces of countable tightness are Uniform Eberlein compact spaces.
A space is functionally countable (FC) if for every continuous , . The class of FC spaces includes ordinals, some trees, compact scattered spaces, Lindelöf P-spaces, -products in , and some L-spaces. We consider the following three versions of functional separability: is 1-FS if it has a dense FC subspace; is 2-FS if there is a dense subspace such that for every continuous , ; is 3-FS if for every continuous , there is a dense subspace such that . We give examples distinguishing...
Let be a zero-dimensional space and be the set of all continuous real valued functions on with countable image. In this article we denote by (resp., the set of all functions in with compact (resp., pseudocompact) support. First, we observe that (resp., ), where is the Banaschewski compactification of and is the -compactification of . This implies that for an -compact space , the intersection of all free maximal ideals in is equal to , i.e., . By applying methods of functionally...
Some relationships between -sequence-covering maps and weak-open maps or sequence-covering -maps are discussed. These results are used to generalize a result from Lin S., Yan P., Sequence-covering maps of metric spaces, Topology Appl. 109 (2001), 301–314.
A topological space is KC when every compact set is closed and SC when every convergent sequence together with its limit is closed. We present a complete description of KC-closed, SC-closed and SC minimal spaces. We also discuss the behaviour of the finite derived set property in these classes.
We use a set theoretic approach to consensus by viewing an object as a set of smaller pieces called “bricks”. A consensus function is neutral if there exists a family D of sets such that a brick s is in the output of a profile if and only if the set of positions with objects that contain s belongs to D. We give sufficient set theoretic conditions for D to be a lattice filter and, in the case of a finite lattice, these conditions turn out to be necessary. Ourfinal result, which involves a finite...