Fixed points and locally connected cyclic continua in
In his paper "Continuous mappings on continua" [5], T. Maćkowiak collected results concerning mappings on metric continua. These results are theorems, counterexamples, and unsolved problems and are listed in a series of tables at the ends of chapters. It is the purpose of the present paper to provide solutions (three proofs and one example) to four of those problems.
A space Y is called a free space if for each compactum X the set of maps with hereditarily indecomposable fibers is a dense -subset of C(X,Y), the space of all continuous functions of X to Y. Levin proved that the interval I and the real line ℝ are free. Krasinkiewicz independently proved that each n-dimensional manifold M (n ≥ 1) is free and the product of any space with a free space is free. He also raised a number of questions about the extent of the class of free spaces. In this paper we will...
Fedorchuk's fully closed (continuous) maps and resolutions are applied in constructions of non-metrizable higher-dimensional analogues of Anderson, Choquet, and Cook's rigid continua. Certain theorems on dimension-lowering maps are proved for inductive dimensions and fully closed maps from spaces that need not be hereditarily normal, and some of the examples of continua we construct have non-coinciding dimensions.
Let X be a metrizable one-dimensional continuum. We describe the fundamental group of X as a subgroup of its Čech homotopy group. In particular, the elements of the Čech homotopy group are represented by sequences of words. Among these sequences the elements of the fundamental group are characterized by a simple stabilization condition. This description of the fundamental group is used to give a new algebro-combinatorial proof of a result due to Eda on continuity properties of homomorphisms from...