Wallman compactification and zero-dimensionality.
We study compactifications of a ray with remainder a simple closed curve. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a bijective (resp. surjective) mapping between two such continua. Using those conditions we present a simple proof of the existence of an uncountable family of plane continua no one of which can be continuously mapped onto any other (the first such family, so called Waraszkiewicz's spirals, was created by Z. Waraszkiewicz in the 1930's).
We demonstrate that a second countable space is weakly orderable if and only if it has a continuous weak selection. This provides a partial positive answer to a question of van Mill and Wattel.
We show that if a Hausdorff topological space satisfies one of the following properties: a) has a countable, discrete dense subset and is hereditarily collectionwise Hausdorff; b) has a discrete dense subset and admits a countable base; then the existence of a (continuous) weak selection on implies weak orderability. As a special case of either item a) or b), we obtain the result for every separable metrizable space with a discrete dense subset.
It is proved that for a zero-dimensional space , the function space has a Vietoris continuous selection for its hyperspace of at most 2-point sets if and only if is separable. This provides the complete affirmative solution to a question posed by Tamariz-Mascarúa. It is also obtained that for a strongly zero-dimensional metrizable space , the function space is weakly orderable if and only if its hyperspace of at most 2-point sets has a Vietoris continuous selection. This provides a partial...
In this paper we give a characterization of a separable metrizable space having a metrizable S-weakly infinite-dimensional compactification in terms of a special metric. Moreover, we give two characterizations of a separable metrizable space having a metrizable countable-dimensional compactification.
It is shown that there is no Whitney map on the hyperspace for non-metrizable Hausdorff compact spaces X. Examples are presented of non-metrizable continua X which admit and ones which do not admit a Whitney map for C(X).
We prove the following results. (i) Let X be a continuum such that X contains a dense arc component and let D be a dendrite with a closed set of branch points. If f:X → D is a Whitney preserving map, then f is a homeomorphism. (ii) For each dendrite D' with a dense set of branch points there exist a continuum X' containing a dense arc component and a Whitney preserving map f':X' → D' such that f' is not a homeomorphism.