On a theorem of P. S. Aleksandrov
We introduce a notion of absolute submetrizability (= ``every Tychonoff subtopology is submetrizable'') and investigate its behavior under basic topological operations. The main result is an example of an absolutely submetrizable space that contains an uncountable set of isolated points (hence the space is neither separable nor hereditarily Lindelöf). This example is used to show that absolute submetrizability is not preserved by some topological operations, in particular, by free sums.
Several remarks on the properties of approximation by points (AP) and weak approximation by points (WAP) are presented. We look in particular at their behavior in product and at their relationships with radiality, pseudoradiality and related concepts. For instance, relevant facts are: (a) There is in ZFC a product of a countable WAP space with a convergent sequence which fails to be WAP. (b) over -compact space is AP. Therefore AP does not imply even pseudoradiality in function spaces, while...
We characterize Peano continua using Bing-Krasinkiewicz-Lelek maps. Also we deal with some topics on Whitney preserving maps.
A scadic space is a Hausdorff continuous image of a product of compact scattered spaces. We complete a theorem begun by G. Chertanov that will establish that for each scadic space X, χ(X) = w(X). A ξ-adic space is a Hausdorff continuous image of a product of compact ordinal spaces. We introduce an either-or chain condition called Property which we show is satisfied by all ξ-adic spaces. Whereas Property is productive, we show that a weaker (but more natural) Property is not productive. Polyadic...
We prove that for an unbounded metric space , the minimal character of a point of the Higson corona of is equal to if has asymptotically isolated balls and to otherwise. This implies that under a metric space of bounded geometry is coarsely equivalent to the Cantor macro-cube if and only if and . This contrasts with a result of Protasov saying that under CH the coronas of any two asymptotically zero-dimensional unbounded metric separable spaces are homeomorphic.