Displaying 21 – 40 of 58

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Nilpotent complex structures.

Luis A. Cordero, Marisa Fernández, Alfred Gray, Luis Ugarte (2001)


Este artículo presenta un panorama de algunos resultados recientes sobre estructuras complejas nilpotentes J definidas sobre nilvariedades compactas. Tratamos el problema de clasificación de nilvariedades compactas que admiten una tal J, el estudio de un modelo minimal de Dolbeault y su formalidad, y la construcción de estructuras complejas nilpotentes para las cuales la sucesión espectral de Frölicher no colapsa en el segundo término.

Nilpotent subgroups of the group of fibre homotopy equivalences.

Yves Félix, Jean-Claude Thomas (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let ξ = (E, p, B, F) be a Hurewicz fibration. In this paper we study the space LG(ξ) consisting of fibre homotopy self equivalences of ξ inducing by restriction to the fibre a self homotopy equivalence of F belonging to the group G. We give in particular conditions implying that π1(LG(ξ)) is finitely generated or that L1(ξ) has the same rational homotopy type as aut1(F).

Noetherian loop spaces

Natàlia Castellana, Juan Crespo, Jérôme Scherer (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The class of loop spaces of which the mod p cohomology is Noetherian is much larger than the class of p -compact groups (for which the mod p cohomology is required to be finite). It contains Eilenberg–Mac Lane spaces such as P and 3-connected covers of compact Lie groups. We study the cohomology of the classifying space B X of such an object and prove it is as small as expected, that is, comparable to that of B P . We also show that B X differs basically from the classifying space of a p -compact group...

Non functorial cylinders in a model category

J. García-Calcines, P. García-Díaz, S. Rodríguez-Machín (2006)

Open Mathematics

Taking cylinder objects, as defined in a model category, we consider a cylinder construction in a cofibration category, which provides a reformulation of relative homotopy in the sense of Baues. Although this cylinder is not a functor we show that it verifies a list of properties which are very closed to those of an I-category (or category with a natural cylinder functor). Considering these new properties, we also give an alternative description of Baues’ relative homotopy groupoids.

Non-associative geometry and discrete structure of spacetime

Alexander I. Nesterov, Lev Vasilʹevich Sabinin (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A new mathematical theory, non-associative geometry, providing a unified algebraic description of continuous and discrete spacetime, is introduced.

Nondegenerate cohomology pairing for transitive Lie algebroids, characterization

Jan Kubarski, Alexandr Mishchenko (2004)

Open Mathematics

The Evens-Lu-Weinstein representation (Q A, D) for a Lie algebroid A on a manifold M is studied in the transitive case. To consider at the same time non-oriented manifolds as well, this representation is slightly modified to (Q Aor, Dor) by tensoring by orientation flat line bundle, Q Aor=QA⊗or (M) and D or=D⊗∂Aor. It is shown that the induced cohomology pairing is nondegenerate and that the representation (Q Aor, Dor) is the unique (up to isomorphy) line representation for which the top group of...

Nonresonance conditions for arrangements

Daniel C. Cohen, Alexandru Dimca, Peter Orlik (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove a vanishing theorem for the cohomology of the complement of a complex hyperplane arrangement with coefficients in a complex local system. This result is compared with other vanishing theorems, and used to study Milnor fibers of line arrangements, and hypersurface arrangements.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 58