Displaying 161 – 180 of 242

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Strong density for higher order Sobolev spaces into compact manifolds

Pierre Bousquet, Augusto C. Ponce, Jean Van Schaftingen (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Given a compact manifold N n , an integer k * and an exponent 1 p < , we prove that the class C ( Q ¯ m ; N n ) of smooth maps on the cube with values into N n is dense with respect to the strong topology in the Sobolev space W k , p ( Q m ; N n ) when the homotopy group π k p ( N n ) of order k p is trivial. We also prove density of maps that are smooth except for a set of dimension m - k p - 1 , without any restriction on the homotopy group of N n .

Strong shape of the Stone-Čech compactification

Sibe Mardešić (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

J. Keesling has shown that for connected spaces X the natural inclusion e : X β X of X in its Stone-Čech compactification is a shape equivalence if and only if X is pseudocompact. This paper establishes the analogous result for strong shape. Moreover, pseudocompact spaces are characterized as spaces which admit compact resolutions, which improves a result of I. Lončar.

Strong surjectivity of mappings of some 3-complexes into 3-manifolds

Claudemir Aniz (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let K be a CW-complex of dimension 3 such that H³(K;ℤ) = 0, and M a closed manifold of dimension 3 with a base point a ∈ M. We study the problem of existence of a map f: K → M which is strongly surjective, i.e. such that MR[f,a] ≠ 0. In particular if M = S¹ × S² we show that there is no f: K → S¹ × S² which is strongly surjective. On the other hand, for M the non-orientable S¹-bundle over S² there exists a complex K and f: K → M such that MR[f,a] ≠ 0.

Strong surjectivity of mappings of some 3-complexes into M Q 8

Claudemir Aniz (2008)

Open Mathematics

Let K be a CW-complex of dimension 3 such that H 3(K;ℤ) = 0 and M Q 8 the orbit space of the 3-sphere 𝕊 3 with respect to the action of the quaternion group Q 8 determined by the inclusion Q 8 ⊆ 𝕊 3 . Given a point a ∈ M Q 8 , we show that there is no map f:K → M Q 8 which is strongly surjective, i.e., such that MR[f,a]=min(g −1(a))|g ∈ [f] ≠ 0.

Strong surjectivity of maps from 2-complexes into the 2-sphere

Marcio Fenille, Oziride Neto (2010)

Open Mathematics

Given a model 2-complex K P of a group presentation P, we associate to it an integer matrix ΔP and we prove that a cellular map f: K P → S 2 is root free (is not strongly surjective) if and only if the diophantine linear system ΔP Y = d e g (f) has an integer solution, here d e g (f)is the so-called vector-degree of f

Structures de contact sur les fibrés principaux en cercles de dimension trois

Robert Lutz (1977)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On construit et classifie à conjugaison équivariante près toutes les formes de contact invariantes sur un fibré principal en cercles M 3 B 2 ( M compact). Si M ˜ = S 3 , les formes obtenues induisent sur S 3 des formes de contact dans chaque classe d’homotopie de 1-formes sans zéros : on en déduit que M admet une infinité de structures de contact non isomorphes.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 242